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I’m notoriously bad at accepting and passing on blog awards, but I do appreciate them. Here are the awards Sophisticated Dorkiness has received.


The Lemonade Award

Awarded by Nicole at Books and BardsThe Lemonade Award is a feel good award that shows great attitude or gratitude.

Thanks a lot Nicole!

heartfeltThe Heartfelt Award Awarded by Jodie at Book Gazing:Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when you’re relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family & friends? You know that feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea ~ or a hot toddy? That is what the Heartfelt award is all about.

Thanks Jodie!

award_lets_be_friends Awarded by Alaine – Queen of Happy Endings.
Blogs that received the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

Thank you!!

From Steve at Book Dads, Shelly at ChainReading, and Nicole at Linus’s Blanket
Premio Dardos means “prize darts” in Spanish. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.
lovely_blog_award From Alison at Allison’s Attic

Thanks Allison!

Also awarded by Wendy at We Read.

Wendy is a new blogger to me, so thank you very much!

mermaid_award_3 Awarded by Suey from It’s All About Books

Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.

Thanks Suey!

Awarded by Julia at A Piece of My Mind

Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites that inspire you
, make you smile and laugh
, gives amazing information
, is a great read, has an amazing design
, or any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!

Awarded by Cathy at Kittling:Books

Thanks Cathy, I love the name of this award!

Awarded by Margot at Joyfully Retired.

Thanks Margot!

Also awarded by Kristi at Books and Needlepoint

Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.

Thank you so much Kristi!

exdivblog5w Awarded by Austenprose.

“The aim of the Excessively Diverting Blog Award is to acknowledge writing excellence in the spirit of Jane Austen’s genius in amusing and delighting readers with her irony, humor, wit, and talent for keen observation. Recipients will uphold the highest standards in the art of the sparkling banter, witty repartee, and gentle reprove. This award was created by the blogging team of Jane Austen Today to acknowledge superior writing over the Internet and promote Jane Austen’s brilliance.”

Read who I passed it along to here.

Awarded by Chartroose.

“Like I was saying, I’m into the Christmas spirit here in blogalalaland because it’s not real life and all my blogging companions are cool and smart and interesting…. Because my heart is so full of affection for you, I’ve created a second blogging award that I’m sure you’ll appreciate.  You can display it proudly on your blog if you wish, or, if you’re above such pedestrian frivolity, you can simply let my magnanimous gesture linger in your minds forever.  Either way, I’d just like to let you know that I’ve had a great time laughing and discussing and reading with all of you over the past year.”

Awarded by theexile.

Sophisticated Dorkiness, blog of Kim Ukura, a journalism grad student. Insightful posts about her experiences as a budding journalist and adventures as a reader. It’s nice to see someone staying enthusiastic about journalism.”