Time and Place // 9:45 a.m. at my desk
Eating and Drinking // I had corn Chex for breakfast, and now I’ve got a cup of Blood Orange Cinnamon black tea — this is my favorite flavor lately.
Reading // This week I finished Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, a really fun read, and started in on Console Wars by Blake J. Harris (May 13, It Books). Despite being, at best, a casual gamer, I’ve been absolutely fascinated by the story of the battle between Sega and Nintendo for the hearts (and dollars) of early gamers. This is a business book, but Harris has done an amazing job of making it about people and ideas and the rise of video game culture. The other book I’m hoping to finish this week is B.J. Novak’s collection of short stories, One More Thing, which I’ve been reading slowly since I picked it up at the LA Times Festival of Books.
Watching // I’m between television shows right now, although the boyfriend and I are keeping up with both Game of Thrones and Orphan Black. Once all of the spring finales air, I might go back and catch up with a couple of shows I lost track of this year, probably Once Upon a Time.
Listening // Because I could use a little bit of pumping up this morning, I’ve been listening to Spotify’s “Songs to Sing in the Shower” playlist. So far, awesome.
Blogging // I only managed to post one review this week, but it was for a book that I really loved, The Secretary by Kim Ghattas. I also shared my April reading wrap up and a look to the books I’m excited about for May.
Promoting // As part of the #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign this week, several bloggers shared their picks for diverse books you can read. Be sure to check out these posts from Shannon at River City Reading and Ana at things mean a lot for starters.
And in other exciting news, the agenda for Armchair BEA was posted this week. If you are a book blogger who is not attending Book Expo America this month, be sure to check this out.
Hating // I ordered this awesome dress from an online retailer, but when it arrived it just didn’t fit quite right. I love the color and shape and details… but it’s just a little off. I hate that! On the plus side, all the shirts I ordered fit perfectly, so there’s that.
Loving // One of my projects in my 2014 goal to curate — choose, present and preserve items of value — is to get all of my books organized and cataloged in LibraryThing. I did one shelf last week and I’m hoping to finish up a second shelf this afternoon. Part of that process is also weeding out books I know I’m not going to read, which can be really freeing.
Anticipating // After a cool and rainy week, we are expected to have sunny skies and temperatures in the mid 60s and 70s this week. I am so looking forward to spending at least a little time outside this week.
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?