Later this afternoon, as soon as we can both get off work, the boyfriend and I heading back to my parents’ house in the Twin Cities for Thanksgiving. My family has a pretty average Thanksgiving celebration — turkey and all the fixings, plus football on tv and long afternoon naps. My sister and I might head out to do some shopping on Friday afternoon, and we have a surprise planned for my mom on Saturday, but otherwise I think it’ll be a long, relaxing weekend.
If I’m lucky, I’ll also be able to squeeze in a bit of reading time. I brought home a bunch of books, so I’ll at least have options to choose from. Here’s what’s in my bag:
- The News Sorority by Sheila Weller (nonfiction) — I’ve been making steady progress through this book about Diane Sawyer, Christiane Amanpour, and Katie Couric that also looks at the state of women in journalism. It’s good, but a little dry.
- Minneapolis Madams by Penny Petersen (nonfiction) — I am going to eventually get around to reading this book, all about the secret history of Minneapolis’ red light district, soon. I promise.
- The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion by Meghan Daum (essays) — I don’t know a ton about this collection, I can’t even remember how I heard about it, but the jacket copy says Daum “pushes back against the false sentimentality and shrink-wrapped platitudes that surround so much of contemporary American experience” — sounds perfect for the holidays, right?
- The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber (fiction) — This book is the November Riot Read and I’m super psyched to read it. I’m a few chapters in and it’s really amazing so far.
- Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng (fiction) — I splurged and bought this one early last week… the buzz got to be too much. Fingers crossed I can make some time for it.
While that’s still more books that I can possibly read, I like to have options. Have a wonderful holiday, for those celebrating, and see you on the other side!