One of my favorite things about books is getting to offer recommendations. I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t take it personally if people don’t like books I suggest and instead take any misses as clues for how to be a better book pusher in the future.
During Armchair BEA, I tried taking my love of book recommending up a notch, offering personalized nonfiction recommendations for people interested in trying nonfiction for the first time or looking for more books on a particular topic. I had a lot of fun doing that, but one of the coolest things about the post was the way other readers jumped into the conversation in the comments, helping to recommend books I’d forgotten about or had never even heard of before. It was just awesome.
In the comments, a couple people also suggested that the recommendation project would be a fun blog feature. After spending some time working out the logistics in my head I decided to try doing something like an advice column for book recommendations.
I’m still trying to think of a name and graphic for this feature (ideas more than welcome), but the bones are in place. If you’re interested in getting a nonfiction recommendation, please follow this link to a form that will ask you a few questions about you and what kind of book you are looking to read.
I’ll do some digging and post the requests and recommendations here on the blog periodically. I’m not sure how frequently this feature will run — it depends on how many people make requests and how quickly I can write up the posts — but I think initially about twice a month seems reasonable.
Really though, the only way this is going to work is if there are readers looking for books — here’s the link to the form again — and people willing to help join the recommendation party as the posts go live. I hope you’ll consider playing!