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February is a weird month. It’s short, cold and hard to spell (maybe that last one is just me?). But because I didn’t have any travel plans this month, I managed to finish nine books, including one chunkster of a biography: Harford, Tim: The Undercover Economist Strikes Back (nonfiction) Janik, Erika: Marketplace of the Marvelous (nonfiction) Hoffman, Carl: Savage Harvest (nonfiction) [...]


February: A Month of New Things

February is my least favorite month of the year. In general, I am not a fan of winter (as anyone who reads this blog for more than a week surely knows), but I have reasons to appreciate every other winter month besides February. In November, the cold weather is new and exciting. In December, there’s [...]


I started January reading ALL THE BOOKS, then slowed down pretty dramatically at the end of the month. After finishing five books in seven days, I only finished two for the entire rest of the month. I’m not to worried about it though, since I think the quality of the books I finished was pretty [...]


Tackling My TBR in 2014

I’m generally pathetic at following through with goals and resolutions that I set on January 1. Like most people, I get ambitious at the end of the year and set myself up with a huge list of things to do to make life better. But January is traditionally a pretty busy month where I struggle [...]


Welcome to the first official week of Nonfiction November, a month-long celebration of nonfiction I’m co-hosting with Leslie of Regular Rumination! Throughout the month, we’ll be reading and writing about nonfiction, and encouraging other readers to join us through a series of post topics. The first topic should add a ton of books to your [...]


As a brief kickoff to Nonfiction November, I thought I’d share a couple of lists — nonfiction I’ve read but not reviewed so far this year, and nonfiction I’m thinking about reading this month. Read But Unreviewed When I went to start putting this list together, I was worried that it was going to be [...]


Friends, I can’t seem to write a book review to save my life. I’m not sure what the deal is, but in the spirit of low-stress blogging I’m trying to let it bug me too much and just go with the flow (easier said than done… but whatever).

September felt like a pretty slow reading month, but I ended up finishing six books (only slightly below average for me). I think the reason it felt so slow is that I finished four books* in the first week, then only two books for the entire rest of the month.


Friday Fun: A to Z Bookish Survey

Earlier this week I stumbled across the A to Z Survey on Megan’s (Leafing Through Life) blog, and it looked like fun. The survey is the brainchild of Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner, so thanks for coming up with this idea. Happy Friday, everyone! Author you’ve read the most books from: I think this is a [...]


Yesterday I had the pleasure of guest posting for fellow blogger and pen pal Julie over at JulzReads. Julie is currently lakeside in Wisconsin celebrating her 10 year anniversary with her hubby — she asked several bloggers to share their bookshelves while she was gone. You can get a sneak peek at one of my [...]


How Do You Track Your TBR?

I was trying to get another edition of the Sophisticated Dorkiness Nonfiction Recommendation Engine (or whatever I’m calling it) done for today, but my Tuesday evening got away from me pretty significantly (for good reasons) and I just couldn’t quite polish it up to my liking. Rather than publish something I didn’t love, I decided [...]