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Currently | June 6, 2016

Briefly | Happy Monday! I case you missed it last week, I’ve decided to go with a slower blogging schedule this summer, just posts on Monday and Thursday. I’m not sure if every Monday will be a Currently post, but for now I like the format and think it’ll do nicely. Reading | Over Memorial Day weekend I [...]


Briefly | After being away for two weekends, I’m really trying to embrace a weekend with absolutely nothing planned. It’s been wonderful — lots of time to read, catch up on chores, go to the gym, and spend time with the boyfriend and the cat. I’m feeling really grateful for life right now, even if [...]


Currently | Road Trippin’

Briefly | Hello, friends! This update is coming to you from the suburbs of Milwaukee. The boyfriend and I came out yesterday to spend a few days with his mom, after which I’ll be heading solo to Chicago for Book Expo America. A vacation from real life couldn’t have come at a better time. Reading | [...]


Briefly | It was a rough week — I was kind of frazzled and didn’t sleep well at all — but the weekend has been calm and productive. I’m trying to enjoy it before diving back into the fray tomorrow. Yay, weekends. Reading | I thought my reading would take a dive after the Readathon last [...]


Currently | Readathon Wrap-Up

I’m happy to report that I woke up this morning before my alarm, not feeling the typical Readathon hangover I usually experience. Huzzah! I woke up just in time to see the end of the #readathon! Final tally: Five books, 1023 pages, 10 hours 21 minutes reading/listening. — Kim Ukura (@kimthedork) 24 April 2016 After [...]


Briefly | It’s been such a fun weekend! Last night a friend and I went to an adult coloring event, Color and Cork, hosted by a local arts organization. It was surprisingly fun, a cool way to get out and meet people that felt less awkward because there was this self-directed activity to do at [...]


Briefly | In direct response to last weekend being really full (so full that I didn’t even get around to a Currently post), this weekend has been deliberately and almost entirely empty. Last Sunday was really fun though — the boyfriend and I met up with my siblings for brunch, shopping and other shenanigans in [...]


Briefly | It has been a rough week for this introvert! I ended up having to work part of the evening every day this week, which really drains my energy — by the time I got to Friday evening, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I made up for it by hunkering down at home [...]


Briefly | It’s been a slow day around here, evidenced by how late in the day this post is going up. After rolling out of bed pretty late this morning, I spent most of the day sprawled out on the couch binge watching the first season of Jane the Virgin on Netflix. I’ve got a theory that [...]


Briefly | February is over, hooray! My February funk is slowly starting to fade away, thank goodness, but I still haven’t managed to feel like I’m back in the groove. I think the plan is just to continue taking things slowly and hope that the upswing continues. Reading | Thanks to a busy week at work, [...]