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Read-a-Thon: Bedtime Update

I did it! I visited all 192 blogs signed up on the Read-a-Thon Mr. Linky!  It is a good feeling!! Clearly, I need to get to bed, I’m using way to many exclamation points. For those interested, Boyfriend and I had leftovers, watched Arrested Development and The Hours, and ate some pie. I took a [...]


Read-a-Thon: Early Evening Update

Well, my alleged break ended up not actually being a break. I got a little food and called Boyfriend about evening plans, but then the idea of commenting on all the Read-a-Thon blogs took over and I went back to commenting like a madwoman. I’ve now been to 142 of the 192 blogs at the [...]


Read-a-Thon: Afternoon Update

I finally finished going through one column of people signed up for the Read-a-Thon at the original Mr. Linky. That’s 61 blogs in, I’d say, 2 hours. Wow… I might not actually get to comment on all the blogs since it’s taking me so long and I still have two full columns. That’s sort of [...]


After looking at all of the comics, I decided that I just couldn’t pick winners for each category. So, I’m going to leave all of them in the running for the $10 egift-certificate and leave the decision up to you guys :) Below are the submitted comics. Head down to the bottom of the post [...]


My Comic!

Here’s the comic I came up with for my mini-challenge! Enjoy the PSA :)


Read-a-Thon: Introduction

I missed the first few hours of the Read-a-Thon because I was out at the Farmer’s Market, but now I’m here and doing my best to cheerlead and hang out for the afternoon. So far no takers on my mini-challenge about making a comic, but I hope people will like it! Anyway, I hope everyone [...]


Welcome to my Mini-Challenge for the Read-a-Thon! Comic books have become very popular lately, so I wanted to try and honor that with my mini-challenge. The task, should you choose to participate, is to create your own comic inspired by the Read-a-Thon! Logistics For the next three hours, Readers and Cheerleaders are challenged to create [...]