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Book Review

After a week of continuous and interesting posting, I had to take a number of days away from regular life and book blogging because I was working to help proctor the Bar Exam — the test all lawyers must take before they can get their license. My mom works for the organization that proctors the [...]


Review: Jesus Land

Initially, I wasn’t a big fan of Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres. I think my initial dislike came from a disconnect between what I thought the book was going to be about and what the topic turned out to be. In the end though, I’m glad I stuck with it all the way through because [...]


Weekly Geeks #12: The Answers

I am so excited to have questions to answer! I got quite a few comments on my Weekly Geeks #12 post from earlier this week. All of the questions related to Stardust are in a separate post from yesterday, found here. It’s a longer review of the book, more like a normal review, since Stardust [...]


Review: Stardust (WG #12)

I got a lot of really interesting questions about Stardust by Neil Gaiman on my first Weekly Geeks #12 post. Since this is a book I read earlier this year, I’m going to expand the WG questions into a longer review. Andi from AndiLit asked: What did you think of Stardust? Everyone raves about it [...]


Review: Into the Wild

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a book that I have wanted to read for a really, really long time. It comes up on pretty much every list of best examples of creative nonfiction, and it’s a great example of the type of writing I think I would most love to do in the [...]


Review: The Time Traveler's Wife

I’m pretty far behind the curve on reviewing this book, which was a best seller a few years ago. However, I never really had it on my radar until Boyfriend bought it for me for my birthday on Tuesday. In his card he said he thought it was a book I would like, and he [...]


Fables: Legends in Exile is the first comic in the Fables series by Bill Willingham. I thought this comic was a great summer read, and I recommend it to anyone who likes revisionist fairy tales or intelligently-written comics. The premise of the series is that characters from familiar fairy tales and stories have been forced [...]


Everything Bad is Good For You by Steven Berlin Johnson is the book project I mentioned in my Weekly Geeks #9 post. I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to others, but only with the caution that anyone seriously interested in cultural studies and pop culture is going to be left wanting [...]


I have to start out by saying that I am a huge David Sedaris fan, so I went into reading this book with pretty high expectations. Unfortunately, my expectations were too high and I was pretty disappointed with his newest collection, When You Are Engulfed in Flames. Because I love Sedaris, I read through the [...]


Review: Lilith's Brood

I finally finished reading Lilith’s Brood, a science fiction trilogy by Octavia Butler. I say finally finish reading because I’ve been working on finishing the book since May when I read the first section, Dawn, for my class on science fiction. I’ve been trying to push through the other two stories, Adulthood Rites and Imago, [...]