Title: French Milk Author: Lucy Knisley Genre: Memoir (format — comic) Year: 2008 Acquired: Library [rating:3/5] One Sentence Summary: On the eve of her 22nd birthday, Lucy Knisley and her mother take a month-long vacation to Paris where Lucy keeps this diary. One Sentence Review: French Milk is a unique comic diary/memoir, but doesn’t really [...]
Book Review
Title: Vera and the Ambassador: Escape and Return Authors: Vera and Donald Blinken Genre: Memoir/Autobiography Year: 2009 Acquired: Free review copy [rating:1/5] One Sentence Summary: Vera Blinken, a Hungarian refugee, is given the chance to help her country move out of Communism when her husband Donald is appointed ambassador to Hungary by President Clinton. One [...]
Title: Random Family Author: Adriene Nicole LeBlanc Genre: Literary Journalism Acquired: Purchased [rating:4/5] One Sentence Summary: For 10 years, LeBlanc followed two romances — Jessica and Boy George and Coco and Cesar — through gangs, drugs, prison, and poverty. One Sentence Review: This book is a seminal piece of literary journalism for good reason — [...]
Title: The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession Author: Allison Hoover Bartlett Genre: Literary Journalism One Sentence Summary: John Gilkey is a man who steals rare books, Ken Sanders is a bibio-detective dedicated to stopping Gilkey from taking more books, and [...]
Title: Her Fearful Symmetry Author: Audrey Niffenegger Genre: Fiction Two Sentence Summary: When their estranged Aunt Elspeth dies and leaves them her apartment, twins Julia and Valentina move to London. Too bad Elspeth might not actually be gone! One Sentence Review: Although Her Fearful Symmetry isn’t as emotionally intense as The Time Traveler’s Wife, Niffenegger’s [...]
I know, I know, today is the last day of summer which means we’re just squeaking our review in at the last minute, but oh well. Things got busy :) Also, read (or skip) all the way to to the end for a special announcement about the future of The Sisterhood of the Summer Book [...]
Title: Love Walked In Author: Marisa de Los Santos Genre: Fiction One Sentence Summary: Cornelia Brown doesn’t know what to do with her life until a real-life version of Carey Grant walks through the door and changes everything in an unexpected way. One Sentence Review: You will enjoy this book as much as I did [...]
Title: Say Everything – How Blogging Began, What It’s Becoming, and Why It Matters Author: Scott Rosenberg Genre: Nonfiction Length: 359 pages (hardcover) One Sentence Summary: Using profiles, interviews, and his own experience as a blogger, Rosenburg chronicles the history of blogging as a form and as an influence on society then tries to predict [...]
Title: The Weight of Silence Author: Heather Gudenkauf Genre: Fiction One Sentence Summary: Best friends Callie and Petra go missing one morning, and the search for the girls brings out a host of secrets a small town was trying to avoid. One Sentence Review: Gudenkauf’s debut novel has a compelling plot and unique structure, but [...]
Title: The Truth About Forever Author: Sarah Dessen Genre: YA Fiction Summary: Sixteen-year-old Macy Queen has a dull summer ahead of her — her boyfriend as at camp and she’s working at the library and studying for the SAT. Macy is also dealing with her father’s recent, unexpected death, as is her mother. A few [...]