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Book List

“Now reading her letters, I knew more about the woman I thought I loved. Or maybe I knew less. Maybe what I knew was that there was more mystery and hurt than I could have imagined. Maybe the world has been bad to its great and unusual women. Maybe there wasn’t a worthy place for [...]


Happy first day of 2015, friends and fellow readers! Over the last few years as a book blogger, I’ve realized that I am not very good at keeping book-related goals. I start the year with great intentions, but inevitably fall to the siren song of reading whatever the heck I want. I’m sure you’ve all [...]


Favorite Nonfiction of 2014

Aside from pulling together my end of the year reading statistics, I think my favorite post of the year is this one, my favorite nonfiction reads of the year. It’s so satisfying to scroll back through all of the books I read this year and think about which ones I loved most, and which ones [...]


Favorite Fiction of 2014

Although the end of 2014 is still a couple of weeks away, I like to get my end of the year book lists written and posted before the holidays — by the time I get back from Christmas travel, I’m so busy thinking about the new year that it’s hard to get myself to go [...]


Books in My Bag: Thanksgiving Edition

Later this afternoon, as soon as we can both get off work, the boyfriend and I heading back to my parents’ house in the Twin Cities for Thanksgiving. My family has a pretty average Thanksgiving celebration — turkey and all the fixings, plus football on tv and long afternoon naps. My sister and I might head out [...]


Inspired by an article by Anne Boyd Rioux about gender equity in nonfiction, Shannon (River City Reading) recently made it one of her goals to read more nonfiction by women. Rioux’s article, in written in response to the overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male, includes these really frustrating facts: A recent study in Mayborn also showed [...]


In My Mailbox: September 2014

I really love to hear when people get new books, so I decided I’m going to try to do more posts sharing some of the books that arrive at my house — here’s some of what I found in my mailbox in September. The News Sorority by Sheila Weller (Sept. 30 from Penguin Press) – [...]


Finally, the post from Book Expo America with all of the books! I had mixed success grabbing the books I was curious about from the show, but found several others I’m looking forward to reading. Below are 12 of the books I’m most excited to read, followed by some quick thoughts on the other books [...]


Title: The $11 Billion Year: From Sundance to the Oscars, an Inside Look at the Changing Hollywood System Author: Anne Thompson Genre: Nonfiction Year: 2014 Publisher: Newmarket for It Books Acquired: From the publisher for review consideration [rating:3.5/5] Review: Why do some movies succeed while others fail? How does marketing — domestically and across the globe [...]


This post originally appeared on Book Riot, but I’m proud of how it turned out and think it’s worth sharing here.  This year, Book Riot has made it a priority to read and share more books by authors of color. When we asked Riot readers to share their favorite authors of color, we got a great [...]