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Book List

As I was working on my review of Presence by Amy Cuddy, I started thinking about some of the other really great psychology books I’ve read in the last few years that I don’t think got enough attention. It gave me the idea for a new, semi-regular feature looking at some books I recommended highly [...]


Off My Shelves: Fun Nonfiction

As I mentioned in my post on Sunday, I’ve struggling to find reading to fit my mood. As I thought about it a bit this week, I realized that my reading, especially in nonfiction, has been pretty serious lately… and, thanks to Alexander Hamilton, pretty dense. So I took to my bookshelves (#ReadMyOwnDamnBooks) to find a [...]


Woo, new books! Although I’m not as on top of upcoming new releases as I’ve been in year’s past, I’ve still been keeping a short list of titles I’m excited about as I come across them. The list is a mix — books I’ve pre-ordered, books I’ve requested for review consideration, and books I’ve just made [...]


It’s almost Christmas! I have to work about a half day today, then the boyfriend and I are off to the Twin Cities for a long weekend with both of our families. Since he’s an only child, his parents graciously agreed to come spend Christmas with my family again so we can all be together. [...]


Favorite Nonfiction of 2015

Over the seven years that I’ve been a blogger, I’ve averaged about 60 percent nonfiction and 40 percent fiction. These percentages have been remarkably consistent, and without much effort on my part. But this year was a big departure from that trend – at last count, I was at less than 40 percent nonfiction for [...]


Favorite Fiction of 2015

Putting together my favorites of the year posts always makes me feel so grateful to be a reader. Even in years, like 2015, when it felt like my mojo was a little off, I still managed to put a ton of great books into my brain. Today, I’ve got fiction. Next Tuesday, I’ll do a [...]


Hooray, day off from work in the middle of the week! Thanksgiving has turned into kind of a hit-or-miss holiday for me. I don’t get the day after Thanksgiving off as an official work holiday, and since we are a Saturday newspaper work needs to get done Friday so the paper gets printed and delivered [...]


My Nonfiction November Reading Pile

Nonfiction November is coming! While reading exclusively nonfiction isn’t part of the celebration I’m co-hosting with Leslie (Regular Rumination), Katie (Doing Dewey) and Rebecca (I’m Lost In Books), it is something I’m excited to try next month. I’ve just been feeling out of my reading groove lately, so I’m hoping a month focusing on my true love, [...]


Oh, book sales. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. My sister and I stumbled across Half Price Books’ annual clearance sale two years ago while we were driving around the Twin Cities. Even though I was going to be in town for it this year, we had planned to skip it since we [...]


#15in30: An October Reading Project

On Monday, Andi (Estella’s Revenge) put out a little reading challenge for October: 15 books in 31 days. In her post, Andi said she felt like she needed a little push to “dig into some reading with a vigor.” And, like she said in the closing comment of her post, “No pressure. If we do it, [...]