Hello! My name is Kim — book blogger, recovering journalist, social medium, library advocate, cat mom, and lover of a good gin cocktail.
I am a not-so-recent (2010) graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I grew up in Minnesota, and got my BA from the University of Minnesota, Morris in May 2008. I currently live in the Twin Cities area with my sister and our persnickety cats, Hannah and Merlin.
What is my blog about? Since I began blogging in 2008, that’s changed a bit. I still write book reviews, but also like to share other things going on in my bookish (and sometimes not-very-bookish life). I’ve also been writing some about my journey through grief after the unexpected death of my partner, Nate, in August 2016. I tend to read memoirs, literary journalism, and literary fiction, but you’ll see comics and young adult fiction thrown in for fun.
I also do some writing outside of this blog, including six years as the editor of two small community newspapers. I am a contributing editor at Book Riot and where I write a weekly nonfiction newsletter, True Story. You can sign up for any of Book Riot’s newsletters here. You can read some of my other writing, some more journalistic than others, on this page. Comments, questions, compliments, and other queries can be made through the contact information below.
Contact Information
- E-mail: sophisticated[dot]dorkiness[at]gmail[dot]com
- Twitter: @kimthedork
- Instagram: kimthedork
- Goodreads: Kim Ukura
- LibraryThing: kimthedork
- about.me/kimukura
- Tumblr: A Little Bit of Dorkiness