I ended up taking last week off from blogging while I was on vacation, so I’m pretty belated in getting up a June reading wrap up. But I like being able to look back on these as a quick record of my reading, so I suppose better late than never.
Here’s what I finished in June:
- The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman (fiction, audiobook)
- Locking Up Our Own by James Foreman Jr. (nonfiction)
- The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich (true crime/memoir)
- Enchanted Islands by Allison Amend (fiction)
- Text Me When You Get Home by Kayleen Schaefer (nonfiction)
- Tomorrow Will Be Different by Sarah McBride (memoir)
- An Unkindness of Ghosts by Kat Howard (fiction/fantasy)
The three fiction books I read were all delightful in their own way. The Invisible Library was a funny, entertaining start to a new series with an adventurous woman at the center. Enchanted Islands was a nice literary detour, a fictionalized memoir about an American spy in the Galapagos Islands. And An Unkindness of Ghosts was a great piece of contemporary fantasy that I wish was part of a series.
My nonfiction reading was equally as great. I loved Locking Up Our Own and Tomorrow Will Be Different a ton, and also have positive things to say about The Fact of a Body and Tomorrow Will Be Different. Reviews soon, I hope.
A Look to July
For my birthday on Sunday, I went on an independent bookstore crawl here in the Twin Cities, stopping by four new-to-me shops in Minneapolis and St. Paul (Paperback Exchange, Subtext Books, Moon Palace Books, and Magers and Quinn).

I bought… a lot of books, so I think my focus for the rest of the month will be trying to read as many as possible. The month is already off to a great start — I finished six books while on vacation, and already wrote mini-reviews of each of them — so we’ll see how many more works I can actually put in my brain before August arrives.
What was your favorite book of June? What are you looking forward to reading in July?
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I’ve been wanting to try J. Courtney Sullivan…kind of can’t believe I haven’t yet!
I’ve liked her books, I’ve read Maine and Saints for All Occasions, and The Engagements has been on my TBR for awhile.
I have dead girls on my to read list so I can’t wait to hear what you think.
I just started it yesterday — interesting so far. I have to put my English major/literary criticism hat back on to really get into it though!
Oh my stars, that’s such a great bookshop haul. I can’t think about buying new books even though I have not one not two but three events in the fall that will certainly result in me buying books. Because I’m weak.
I can’t wait to hear about Dead Girls!!
I’m so weak! I was going to just buy one book per store… and then that didn’t happen at all. But look at all those good ones? How could I resist.
What a fantastic birthday haul! My book club is reading ‘The Invisible Library’ for our July meeting. I started it last night; glad to see you enjoyed it.
It’s so delightful, I’m definitely continuing with that series in audiobook.