Around Here | I’m enjoying a quiet hour or so at home this morning before jumping into a busy day. I’m meeting some friends for coffee this morning to plan for my sister’s birthday party next weekend, and then we’re meeting some other friends to go see Ocean’s 8. It should be a fun day!
Reading | I’m in the middle of two nonfiction books right now, The Truth About Animals by Lucy Cooke and The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich. I got The Truth About Animals from the library because I love the subtitle — “stoned sloths, lovelorn hippos, and other tales from the wild side of wildlife” — and I finally picked up The Fact of a Body from my TBR shelf because it just won a Lambda Award for lesbian memoir/biography. They’re both very good so far, although also very, very different reading experiences.
Watching | On Wednesday, a friend and I went to see Chicago at a local theater. I’ve never seen the show performed live, just the movie, so that was really fun.
Listening | I’ve been digging two new podcasts this week, one very new and one a bit older. The new podcast is The Good Place: The Podcast, an NBC podcast all about the show The Good Place (the name pretty much says it all). It’s hosted by Marc Evan Jackson, the actor who plans Shawn on the show, and is totally delightful (if, in some moments, a bit corporate-sounding). The second is Appointment Television, a podcast about “the TV you want to make time for.” They’re doing an ER book club, watching various key episodes and then discussing them, which is making me so, so happy.
Blogging | This week I posted my May reading wrap up, with some really quick thoughts on the 10 (10!) books I finished last month. Coming up, I think I’m going to do a review-round up of the books I’ve read for this year’s Read Harder challenge.
Loving | I bought some vanilla-flavored syrup to use in my Earl Grey tea each morning instead of pain sugar and it is amazing. Life really is about the small things.
Hating | I love many thing about my job, but I do not love that my office is in a basement room with no windows or natural light. I’ve been trying to get outside every day at lunch to read and soak in some sunlight, which helps.
Anticipating | I’m taking a week of vacation at the beginning of July, so of course I am already thinking about what books I want to bring with me. We’re going to spend the week at my parents cabin, which means it will be a long week of doing pretty much nothing except sitting by the lake with a drink and a book. I need this break!
Happy Sunday, everyone!
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I love the way you’ve constructed this post, with headings for Loving, Hating, Anticipating in addition to the more common Reading, Listening, and Watching. It helps your readers get to know you a little better! Sorry about your basement office; getting outside during lunch sounds like a really good plan. And I hope you have a wonderful vacation. A cabin by a lake sounds perfect!
I love everything about my job except the basement office. And it’s not even really that bad as long as I make sure to get outside a little bit every day 🙂
Oh a week’s vacation in a cabin with a big pile of books sounds absolutely perfect. You definitely need to start planning now.
I haven’t listened to the Good Place podcast yet, but it’s good to have a recommendation for it! I knew it existed and just haven’t had a chance — maybe this afternoon, if I get all my tasks done!
Mostly, the podcast has just made me want to go back and watch the show over again, knowing what I know now about the twist and where it’s going. So, I’ve enjoyed it for that alone!
I’ve never heard of vanilla flavored syrup! I drink tea every morning, but don’t like to add sugar. I’ll keep an eye out. Where did you find it?
I bought mine at World Market, but they also sell it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2JBztsv
This brand has sugar, so many not be quite what you’re looking for though!
A week at a cabin with books? It sounds like a little slice of heaven to me!
I know exactly what you mean about your office. My old office was on an interior wall. The only windows I saw were through my door. Even with the door open, my office was dark. I never realized how dark until I moved into an office with a wall of windows. I also never realized just how much that dark office was impacting my moods. Getting outside each day is a great way to combat the effects of florescent lighting.
I can definitely tell when I’ve been down there too long and start to feel grumpy about the bad lighting. Eating outside, or at least up somewhere with windows, helps.
Sounds like you had a great weekend and oh my goodness a week by the lake sounds amazing! Relaxing with books and beautiful sights. You are right, it’s all about enjoying even the little things.
I am so excited. I really need the break!