Apparently I haven’t taken any good pictures in the last few weeks… so here’s another one from my vacation to Mexico.

Around Here | My work life has taken a turn for the crazy! One of my coworkers had a baby last week, and so I’m covering a sizable chunk of her regular responsibilities until she’s back with us in June. I don’t mind the extra work, but it has been stressful trying to make sure I’ve got a handle on everything we know needs to be done and the mental space to handle the stuff we didn’t expect.
Reading | After reading a ton of books on vacation in early March, my reading has been a little bit scattered. I just finished The Dragon Behind the Glass by Emily Voigt, a look at a endangered fish that’s all the rage in the aquarium world, which was just as delightfully weird as it sounds. I’ve been trying to find few hours to sink into one of my Book of the Month picks for March, The Last Equation of Isaac Severy, but that hasn’t happened this week.
Watching | I’m intrigued by three new shows this spring — Deception (magicians join the FBI!), For the People (young lawyers in Shondaland) and Rise (Friday Night Lights except for high school theater). I don’t know if I’ll stick with all of them, but the first few episodes have been interesting.
Listening | I could be cool and give you the name of a random podcast… but honestly? It’s still a rush to know that I have my own podcast! Recording For Real with Alice (Reading Rambo, @itsalicetime) is such a delight.
Loving | Earl Grey tea. I don’t know why it took me so long to discover that I love Earl Grey — for some reason I thought that I hated it — but it turns out that’s not true! Delicious, delicious tea.
Hating | Wallpaper. My sister is working on renovating and redecorating her bedroom, which has involved pulling down wallpaper that the last owners of our townhouse decided to just paint over. Painted-over wallpaper is the Devil’s work.
Contemplating | I’m still trying to decipher this whole Facebook data privacy controversy — both what it means and what I want to do about it. My job is social media, so I can’t entirely escape it, but I do think there’s even more to do about being intentional with what I share and where I spend my online time.
Anticipating | I’m getting a haircut on Friday, and then the rest of my weekend is completely unscheduled! We’ll probably be doing some bedroom renovation work, but otherwise I think it’ll be a pretty chill time to catch up on sleep and finish a book. Fingers crossed!
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I wish I were at that pool right now. Carl is thinking of deleting his FB account but I’m like you – I’m still mulling it all over.
I would love to be back at the pool too! We were supposed to get some snow this weekend, but it ended up missing us… so it’s just kinda dingy and gray outside.
I have deleted my FB account. Did it last fall and haven’t regretted it a bit. I was late to the game there anyway and after I caught up with far-flung family and college friends, saw everyone’s grandbabies, and shared my own stuff, I was dismayed at much of it. Especially during the election. And there was also my friends who wanted to share every single recipe ever invented or cartoon or quiz. Yes, I miss out on a bit, but I’m OK with that. I’m calmer.
And you are right – painted over wallpaper is hideous. We had that at a previous house (we didn’t do it!) and it was awful to get rid of. Hope your weekend is stress free and that you love your new haircut.
I’m impressed! I’ve been on FB since college, so there’s a lot of social connections there, and I get a lot of information from legit institutions there too. But it’s all the junk, it’s hard to figure out how to sort through the noise.
I’ve thought about leaving FB myself, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Following the news sites is pretty much how I catch up on the news, and my book club posts all our notices in our FB group.
I am very careful about what I post, and have done some winnowing of my friends list. If anyone gets too political, or feels they have to share their whole life in photos, they get moved to my ‘hidden friends’ list and I only visit a couple of times a week…AFTER I’ve reminded myself that no matter how wrong their ‘facts’ are, or how much I disagree with their point of view, I do NOT need to respond!
I think there’s some work I need to do in sorting and prioritizing connections that will help, for sure. It sounds like you’ve found a pretty healthy way to balance that!
Beautiful picture. I wish I was there right now! 🙂
Isn’t earl grey yummy? I’m more of a coffee person but do enjoy tea every once in a while. Have you tried Lady Grey? That’s also very good.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
This is what I was going to ask! I love Lady Grey, and I’m not much of a hot drink gal. When my husband and I went to Germany, my MIL had Lady Grey every morning, and I got into the habit.
Yes! I think Lady Grey is what convinced me I didn’t hate Earl Grey. I got Lady Grey in a sampler pack and really liked it, then moved on to the more caffeinated stuff 😉
I like this article about staying on FB (you have to page down to see it)
Thank you! That’s a really interesting point that I hadn’t thought about enough.
I’m with you on the covering coworkers’ responsibilities — two of my coworkers departed in the last five weeks — and contemplating the Facebook privacy issue. I rarely use the site so I wouldn’t mind deleting, but friends tend to put parties and other functions on there. Hmm, something to keep thinking about. I hope you are able to enjoy a relaxing weekend.
Yikes, losing two people in five weeks is tough! Lots of uncertainty and work, followed by training and new people to learn about. Good luck!
The Dragon Behind the Glass sounds absolutely fascinating. I love nonfiction books about random things that I never knew was a thing. I’ll have to check that one out!
It’s so good, totally my favorite kind of nonfiction book.
That’s so cool to have your own podcast! I’ll have to check it out. There’s no easy way to get around wall paper. Good luck!
It’s really exciting — something fun and different to try!
A haircut! Will you show us pictures of it once it’s done? I am curious to see! I’ve scheduled a cut in April (ha ha that is still so far away) and I’m also going to put in a bunch of purple streaks, so I’m pretty psyched about that.
Purple streaks is so exciting! Mine is just a boring and normal bob with some bangs I cannot seem to figure out in a satisfying way.
I haven’t had a beach vacation in years, and that picture is making me crave some water and sun. As for podcasts Gladwell’s Revisionist History is pretty awesome (as is yours 🙂 ).
I love the beach, it’s my happy place. I’m so glad I got to go!
I’m backward. I love Facebook — all of my boring middle aged friends are on there with their vacation pictures. I’m just trying to be smart about it. It’s Twitter that I’ve just about left because it drags my mood down fiercely. It’s poison to my joy.
I love your podcast! You’re doing a great job!
Twitter can be a real drag! I think it has a lot to do with who you follow — I’ve tried to weed out accounts there, which feels somehow easier than Facebook to me.
Great photo from Mexico, wow. I too have thought about FB; do I need it? But it keeps me in touch with people faraway. I have to get to your podcast sometime soon. Sounds fun. cheers.
That’s the part that I get hung up on… lots of Facebook is a pain, but it helps me keep in touch with people I really care about, so it’s worth it to have that.
The data mining controversy pretty much seals FB’s fate in my eyes. I have always hated it but was dipping my toes back into the medium because my daughter’s studio only communicates via FB. Now, I will just stick to receiving notifications when they post something and leaving the rest of my life off of it.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I think that’s a great plan. I’m already pretty judicious with what I post there, so I’ll definitely be thinking about that even more now.