Around Here | It’s been a strange week! On Monday, a major snowstorm hit the Twin Cities area, dumping around 8-12 inches of snow across my neck of the woods. It was a super weird storm too. The morning commute was totally dry, with the worst of the snow not hitting the area until mid-afternoon. I was lucky enough to work at home for the day, but used the storm as an excuse to do absolutely nothing else that night. Past Kim was happy to spend the evening binge-watching episodes of ER, but Present Kim is regretting that decision because of how far behind in life I currently feel. C’est la vie.
Reading | I’m in the middle of two books right now, both of which will count for Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge and both of which I took out from the library. The first is a mystery written by a person of color, Murder on the Red River by Marcie R. Rendon, which I expect to fly through pretty soon. The second is a book about nature, The Evolution of Beauty by Richard Prum, a chunkster of a book about Darwin’s other theory of evolution, mate choice. It’s not a book I would have otherwise picked up, but it’s my next book club selection and I am committed to giving it a try.
Watching | A few short months after I started wishing that I could watch ER, Hulu has made my dreams come true. My mom used to watch the show regularly, but I don’t remember watching it with her. It’s fun to see younger versions of actors I’m familiar with now, and think about how medical procedurals have evolved since this show aired. Also! Baby Bradley Whitford in S1E18 was amazing.
Listening | My goal to listen to one audio book each month is off to a good start. I just finished the second book in Deanna Raybourn’s Veronica Speedwell mysteries, A Perilous Undertaking, and am eagerly awaiting the next book from the library. The series, about a spunky Victorian Era butterfly collection/amateur sleuth is a total delight.
Cleaning | Last weekend, I finally got fed up with the stacks and stacks of unread books piling up around my living space. My sister challenged me to get rid of 100 unread books, and I was victorious! One hundred four books are now in bags ready for sale, donation, or friendly giveaway. All of my books are on shelves, and there’s actually a little wiggle room between them. Huzzah! (Also, I know how absurd it is that I could get rid of 100 books and still have full shelves… I’m trying to cut back, honest).
Loving | I am crocheting this hat for my sister, and I totally love the pattern. I’m making it with a smaller yarn than I usually do, which has also been satisfying. It’s not going as fast as projects with a chunkier yarn, but I don’t mind.
Hating | I am SO BUMMED that the Vikings lost to the Eagles in such a spectacular fashion and won’t be playing in the Super Bowl next weekend. I’m trying to hold on to the feeling of winning from our buzzer-beater against the Saints (Vikings fans NEVER get to be on the right side of a sports miracle), but going out in such a pathetic game ended the season on a down note.
Contemplating | The government shut down and subsequent nonsense has pushed me right up to the limit of what I can handle in politics right now. I’m conflicted though. On the one hand, tuning it out comes from a position of privilege and I feel like it’s my responsibility to keep being informed for the sake of people who are deeply affected by what is happening now. On the other hand, it’s also important to recognize your limits and make choices to ensure participation for when it matters most. I’m trying to figure out how to ration and focus my attention — an ongoing battle if there ever was one.
Anticipating | Tonight we’re going to a game night with friends, then it’s a wide open weekend. A trip to Half Price Books is probably on the horizon, but otherwise I’m hoping it’ll be a lot of reading, writing, and crafting.
Happy Friday, friends!
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I hope the snow is over for us this winter. I really need to cull out books but finding the time to go through my stacks is daunting. I need to set small goals and get with it.
It is daunting to start, but also satisfying to finish.
It’s nice to be able to clear out some books, isn’t it? I did that last year and have felt so much happier for it. I used to love watching ER. I keep telling myself that I will watch it all again, but I probably won’t. Have a good weekend!!
That’s a ton of books you cleared out! But good for you for cleaning it up. I play a game called “Let’s Pretend We’re Moving” and see what I would actually keep. Are I reading it, wearing it or using it?
Your snowfall is scary, I am not sure why I thought we could retire to a northern state. Also, who moves from Florida to snow when they retire?!
Cool that you are crocheting, I have been doing hats for the last two months and love it.
If I played that game there would be a lot more stuff to get rid of around here! I’ve had a lot of stuff in storage for about a year that I could probably just discard and never miss.
Hah. I play the game that Tina mentions, where I pretend I’m moving and that shifts the stakes. And it’s highly appropriate that you are already contemplating buying more books! Good luck with managing the politically induced stress. I’m sure it’s very difficult as some of it bleeds across the border up here and we are not as immediately affected by the events.
Hopefully the books will come into the house at a lower rate than they’re going out!
I go through stages of weeding the shelves too but somehow still have shelves filled with unread books. How do they multiply?! 🙂 The political stuff is certainly difficult to stomach at times. I get so frustrated so like you I’m trying to find what is it that I can actually do. Hope you have a great weekend crafting and hope you’ll share a picture of the finished hat!
Yes, I live in the Twin Cities too. My back is still sore from shoveling snow all day on Tuesday. Thankfully, my neighbors took pity on me and helped me out with their snow-blower.
Every time it snows I’m reminded how happy I am than we live in a townhome complex and have a service that plows. I hate shoveling!
My condolences on the Vikings loss. We’re an Eagles household, as you know, and we’re beyond thrilled.
Great job on getting rid of the books! My stacks have been driving me nuts (way too many ARCs) and I need to do something soon.
I can’t decide if it was better for the Vikings to get stomped, or if it would have felt better for the game to be close. Either way, I hope all the Philly folks have a good time visiting Minnesota!
We caught the edge of that snowstorm on Monday but since it was 50 degrees on Thursday, most of our snow is gone. Such a weird winter.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling torn about remaining aware of the latest political news and having to protect yourself. I too am feeling the same conflict. I haven’t found a good balance either, but I hope to do so one of these days!
The snow has started to melt here too, but it’ll be hanging around for awhile I think. We got a few more inches last night, so much snow!
I read your title too quickly the first time and thought it said “medical procedures,” and sadly thought the worst. What a nice surprise that when I actually read the title correctly – and then the post, that wasn’t the case…speaking of case, I wish we could afford another streaming service, because I definitely would pick Hulu, now that I know it has ER. I know it did have CSI too for a while. Unfortunately, we can’t justify getting it, just for those two shows…that’s awesome about getting rid of the 104 books. My wife and I did something similar a few years ago. We never regretted it.
Oh no, luckily no medical issues here! I didn’t see CSI, but I’m sure if I had I would have jumped into that too.
Aw girl, I feel your sadness. You can probs imagine my feelings about the Vikings/Saints game, but I do empathize with y’all’s loss to the Eagles. Now the stupid Party Tots are in the stupid Super Bowl again.
Anyway, I love getting rid of books. Or getting rid of anything! Getting rid of things is so magically cleansing. I hope you are feeling awesome now that you have gotten rid of so many books like a getting-rid-of-things wizard.
Getting rid of things is amazing! We’re all happier with less stuff.
And yes, I am sure you feel the football pain. That was a pretty crazy ending to the Vikings/Saints… but of course we didn’t get lucky again 🙂
We’re having a weird little snow storm right now – thought we were to get 1-3 inches but we had at least 4 when I woke up and it’s still snowing. I should be working but they are testing fire alarms and my desk is right under the strobe light. It’s crazy. Just sayin’. No real point to this comment; enjoy ER and happy reading, happy Tuesday. 🙂
Ugh, that sounds like a very annoying work situation!
100 books — congratulations! I’m clearing 6 books today that are going to the library book sale donation area and a Little Free Library near my home. Onward, good books!
It’d probably be easier to get rid of a few books at a time, but of course I’m not someone who can operate that way 🙂
ER on Hulu has been both the best thing — because I used to fall asleep in the pre-DVR days and miss episodes — and the worst — because so long productivity after work! Congrats on getting rid of 100 books. I moved 60ish read books out of my parents’ house and donated them, but I can’t seem to do the same with all the TBRs I’ve held on to for years. I keep saying I’ll get to them…some day.