Briefly | As of today, Sophisticated Dorkiness has been around for nine years. Every year that this space still exists I feel surprised and grateful, but this year those feelings are especially strong. After everything that’s happened since last year at this time — turning 30, accepting a new job, the boyfriend’s death, moving, starting the new job, moving again, surviving the election and the holidays, navigating young widowhood, losing the new job, loving unemployment — it seems amazing that I am still writing and, even more, that any of you are still reading. But we’re here, we’re surviving, and I can say honestly that this year has taught me more than I could have ever imagined.
Reading | Since I started blogging in 2008, I’ve read about 840 books. That is a lot! I was working on getting all of my book lists into one giant spreadsheet so I could dig up some more detailed stats, but that project hasn’t gotten legs yet. Maybe by my 10th anniversary!
Listening | Since 2008, around 64 of those books have been on audio. My audio book listening seems to go in fits and spurts, depending on how much driving I have to do and how many podcasts I have queued up, but I know for sure that audio has enhanced my reading life in some big ways.
Blogging | In nine years, I’ve posted 1,497 times and gotten 26,925 comments. Of those, about 500 have been book reviews of some kind or another. Whew!
Promoting | One of the fun things that has emerged from blogging is the chance to write for Book Riot, which was started by a small group of bloggers back in 2011. At the beginning of this year I was promoted to a contributing editor and now write a twice monthly newsletter focused on nonfiction, True Story. You can read the archives of True Story here, and sign up for all of Book Riot’s newsletters here.
Loving | As always, the biggest thank you needs to go out to all of you. Finding a community of readers and friends through this blog has been one of the biggest joys of life, and something I don’t take for granted. Thank you for being here through the rough stuff and as this space continues to evolve with me.
Loving II | The townhouse I share with my sister has an awesome back deck. I anticipate many afternoons looking up at the trees with a book in hand.
Anticipating | One of the (many, many) things the past year has taught me is the importance of staying in the present and trying not to worry about what might be coming next. Plans can be comforting, but they can also be smashed to pieces in a matter of moments. What really matters is cultivating relationships and building resilience, so you have the people and the tools you need to survive the really hard moments. I’ve been working on both of those things, but I know there’s so much more to do.
Wanting | I haven’t written about it here, but my guiding word for 2017 is JOY. I want to explore what it means to be joyful, and how to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and joyfulness despite challenges and frustration. I want to understand what makes me happy, and what I can do to bring happiness to others, both online and in real life. So, I think that guiding principle will start to make it way to the blog more as this year continues.
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congrats on nine years! 😀
9 years is a lot of blogging! I’m so glad you’re still at it even after the rough year you’ve had. I’m sending hugs your way.
Congratulations on the 9 year anniversary. That’s no small feat these days. I just signed up for the non-fiction newsletter too. If it’s as fun to read as your thoughts on books here, I know I’ll enjoy it.
Dear Kim
I’ve been a bit absent this past year myself & haven’t been very good at keeping up with what is going on for other bloggers.
I am so sorry for the devastating loss of your partner. Please accept my heartfelt & very belated condolences.
Your courage & strength & resilience shine through in your words here today.
Joy and joyousness are such wonderful words to embrace (& I’m not just saying that because Joy is my middle name!)
Congrats on nine years of blogging and I wish you joy xo
It’s so good (and frankly, so inspiring) to hear your voice speaking on these topics. Your blog has been a joy to me these many years, and I hope the joy in your life continues to increase. When I read your words “cultivating relationships and building resilience,” I wanted to shout a big “Amen!” (this is quite the statement, coming from a stoic Scandinavian American).
I look forward to reading blog posts from your lovely porch…
I’m so glad to hear you’re finding your way again 🙂 Will check out your Book Riot newsletter.
Happy 9th blogiversary!
Joy is a great word for 2017 and I wish you much of it. And lots of books of course. A big deck to sit on is a wonderful thing, it’s another on all in its own. Since we put a covered porch off our back door we spend soooo much time in it watching birds and reading.
Congrats on 9 years!
Congratulations! Here’s to many, many more years!
Happy 9 years, Kim! So glad to have discovered your blog way back when and to call you a friend.
Congratulations on your 9 years, Kim! I love your word for the year and wish you much joy and many more years of blogging!
Nine years is so fantastic! I’ll be there with you next month, a milestone I never thought I would reach. As the years pass, the “older” blogging community grows stronger and stronger and I’m so happy that you’re still a part of it. 🙂
I’m so impressed that you’ve been blogging for 9 years! I’m so glad you’re still writing 🙂