Briefly | It has been a hectic few days! After celebrating my birthday on Friday, the boyfriend and I spent the weekend in the Twin Cities hanging out with friends and apartment searching for our move in August. I’m home from work today — our company gives an extra vacation day during your birthday month — but instead of reading and watching television, I’ve spent the day filling out rental applications, rescheduling appointments, and trying to deal with water seeping into our basement. Adulting… not always the best.
Reading | Reading continues to be on the slow side, but I’m trying to be zen about it while life is hectic. If I get through a few more items on my to do list today, I’m hoping to get back to Enchanted Islands by Allison Amend or The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee, which finally came in at the library.
Watching | I was excited to discover that the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is on Netflix! I don’t love the title, but I do love that characters spontaneously break into song for no reason. Delightful!
Listening | The boyfriend and I got through several episodes of NPR’s Invisibilia podcast on our drive this weekend. The episodes on creating new norms and the plasticity of personality were really interesting.
Blogging | In the last couple of weeks I shared my June reading wrap-up, and 29 great things about being 29.
Loving | After a much too long hiatus, I got to go out for margaritas with some girlfriends last week. Margaritas and time with friends are two things I can always use more of.
Hating | Being an adult? Spending my birthday vacation day dealing with a list of mostly annoying tasks isn’t my favorite, but at least I have the day off and I’m not trying to squeeze them in around work projects.
Anticipating | In all the other chaos, I almost forgot that I’m going to Portland during the first week of August for a wedding reception. My family decided to turn it into a longer trip, so we’ll be there for almost a full week. Bring on your best Portland activity suggestions!
Can’t Let It Go | I had a great 30th birthday last Friday. My coworkers made the day special, the boyfriend gave me a gift certificate for a massage, and I got a lot of messages from old and new friends. Your birthday is a good day for feeling loved.
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Yeah, being an adult’s not what it’s cracked up to be.
Happy happy belated birthday! And I hear you on having to spend leisure days doing dumb tasks that suck and drain the life from you. It’s no fun. I am generally in favor of adulthood still though, exactly because of margaritas with friends. I love being the boss of me and being able to decide when it’s Responsibility Time and when it’s Margaritas with Friends Time, you know?
I hate being an adult lately, too. I just want to have a carefree summer like I did in my childhood!
We did all the major Portland tourist things when I was there with my kids a few years ago. One of our favorites was the Chinese gardens. They were not too far away from VooDoo Donuts, and small, but Eleanor and I really enjoyed them. Later in the week we went to the much more extensive Japanese gardens and enjoyed them, too.
There is no doubt that adulting pretty much sucks. Somehow, it is worse in summer when you have to work. All of those years of having summer vacations makes working in summer torture.
Hopefully, you were able to enjoy your day off and did not spend the entire day doing adult things. Have a great week!
Adulting is the worst sometimes. But at least we have margaritas to help us cope?
I swear there are times I want to runaway from adulting 🙂
Hope all goes well with the to-do list and try to eek out some time for yourself!
Adulting sucks as often as it doesn’t. Too bad you can’t make teenagers understand how much easier they have it (and give them the confidence to be comfortable in their own skins, too, of course).
Happy 30 Kim! What a great age. I hope you have a terrific year. Not to be too dense, but are you talking Portland Maine or Portland Oregon? I only know the one in Oregon which is fun! Lots of books there.
I have a really stressful week, so I know what you mean! I am really looking forward to the weekend!