Woo hoo! Saturday is Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, one of the best book nerd days of the entire year. I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time running around this week, so a full devoted entirely to books is exactly what I’m in the mood for this weekend.
Like usual, I’ll have a post up here on Saturday where I’ll collect my updates from the day, primarily my Twitter feed (@kimthedork) and Instagram (kimthedork). For the last several Readathons, I’ve been using Storify to collect all of my updates in one place, and I anticipate doing that again. But, enough with all of that — I know you really just want to see my book pile.
My Books
As you can see above, Hannah had a pretty fun time getting in the way while I was trying to grab photos of my book pile. She clearly knows how photogenic she is! Most of the books I’ve collected are from my shelves, except for a slew of comics I grabbed when I was up at the library this week.
I’m most excited about The Red Parts by Maggie Nelson, a mix of memoir and true crime that was recently re-released by Graywolf Press. I’m thinking it’ll be an engaging way to start the morning, and it’s probably on the heavier side which works when I’m still fresh and upbeat. I’ve also been meaning to get to The Book of Unknown Americans by Christina Henríquez for quite awhile, so that’s high on the list too.
And of course, all the comics! I’ve been saving the next volumes in Saga and Ms. Marvel for awhile, and got some good ones from the library — In Real Life by Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang looks like a lot of fun. I’ve obviously got way more books on the pile than I’ll ever get to reading, but I love having choices.
My Best Laid Plans
I haven’t been home much this week, so I’m behind on lots of little projects. I want to get the dishes washed and the bathroom cleaned on Friday night so that’s not distracting me. And I have to get to the grocery store to pick up snacks before Saturday as well. Oh yeah, then I’ve got a baby shower for a local friend on Friday after work and I need to get my present wrapped. So, like I said, lots of little things to get done before I can settle in distraction-free on Saturday.
Happy Readathon, see you then!
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The Red Parts sounds great – memoir/true crime completely pushes my buttons!
Enjoy the Readathon – I won’t be participating..I’ve figured out Readathons just don’t fit into my life right now – but I’ll be cheering you all on from the sidelines!
Hannah wanted to enhance your photo! Have fun on Saturday – it sounds like you need a readathon day.
I hope you enjoy the Unknown Americans- that’s high on my list to get to soon. And so glad to see RBG in your stack! She’s amazing and that’s a fast read. Happy Readathon!