Briefly | It’s been such a fun weekend! Last night a friend and I went to an adult coloring event, Color and Cork, hosted by a local arts organization. It was surprisingly fun, a cool way to get out and meet people that felt less awkward because there was this self-directed activity to do at the same time. Plus, snacks and wine! Afterwards, we met up with the boys — who were hanging out at friend’s house for a Diaper Party (dude baby shower) — and stayed up way too late hanging out. My hangover this morning is minimal, so I think it’ll be a good day.
Reading | I battled my case of the Gobbledybooks pretty successfully yesterday. I woke up super early (not on purpose…), so I spent the morning getting through Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee for our local library book club. Man, I did not like that book… it was so, so unpleasant. After that, I decided to tackle The Regional Office is Under Attack by Manuel Gonzales — I’m making really good progress there. If I get done with that today, I think The Expatriates by Janice Y.K. Lee will be next on the list (yeah, I know I’ve been saying that for weeks).
Watching | I coworker and I went to see Zootopia this week. It was so great, smart and funny enough that I laughed out loud in place. I would 100 percent be on board with a buddy cop TV show starring Officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wild of the Zootopia Police Department.
Listening | Now that I have a car with a working CD player (technology!) I’ve been pulling out my old CDs. High school/college Kim was very into Nine Days and Jimmy Eat World (and, let’s be real, all of the boy bands you can think of).
Making | I’m working on this blanket as a baby shower gift for a friend expecting a little boy in May. It’s a really simple pattern that’s great while sitting in front of the tv.
Promoting | Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon is coming up this weekend! YAY! I got so excited about it that this week I shared some of my best tips for Readathon success. I’ll have a book pile to share sometime later this week.
Hating | We didn’t make it to the grocery store yesterday, so the fridge is pretty bare of breakfast choices. Present Day Kim is pretty annoyed by Past Kim for that decision.
Loving | Hamilton: The Revolution (a big book all about the making of Hamilton) came in the mail this week and it is gorgeous. I’m so glad I splurged to get it.
Avoiding | I need to make new blog business cards for BEA, but I can’t seem to settle on a design for them and I’m running out of time to get them printed… lame.
Anticipating | The weather this week has been really beautiful. I’m hoping to get outside this afternoon for nice long walk around the neighborhood. I also need to start breaking in my summer shoes… this time of year is always rough on my feet.
Happy Sunday! What are you reading today?
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I hosted a coloring party and it was a lot of fun but, other than that, I really haven’t gotten into coloring. Maybe because I’m not that good at it.
Ugh, Go Set A Watchman – perhaps if I didn’t already “know” Atticus, it would have been easier to read. But it was still such a poorly written book!
The bad writing is what got me… I just couldn’t get past that very much (especially the final argument which was so infuriating!)
My book club is reading Go Set A Watchman this month and I absolutely refuse to read it. I know I’m being a baby but I just know I’ll hate it so why put myself through that torture? Maybe I’ll go to the meeting anyway just o see what everyone else thought of it.
I actually am glad I went to the book club on it. I didn’t like the book at all, but talking to others helped me see what kind of book it was trying to be and so I can appreciate it a bit more even if the reading experience wasn’t great. It really makes me wish a good writer would pick up the plot and rewrite it into a good book — I think it’s an interesting idea, and different enough from TKAM that it’s a book I want to read, you know?
Totally agree about Watchman – UGH! I tried Regional Office this weekend and just couldn’t get into it. I know some others really loved it, so I’m not sure what I’m missing. I made it to 10%.
I enjoy coloring, especially since I spend so much time during the day coloring with a 4 year old who doesn’t appreciate matching color tone or staying in the lines or letting me choose which picture…you get the idea. I love the idea of a coloring event.
I wasn’t totally sure about it, but it ended up being really fun. It was nice to go to a social event with a planned activity… less awkward mingling, I think.
I actually printed my own cards this time around. Much cheaper and I tried to keep the design very simple. I’ll message you a pic.
Oh I HATE it when Past Jenny screws up the food situation for Present Jenny. How could Past Jenny forget that all versions of Jenny hate cooking and need to have the food ducks in a row at all times. Just today, I made up a recipe of quinoa and eggs and cheese and spinach, and they will serve as my breakfasts for the week. Future Jenny will thank me.
Exactly! I just do not love cooking… so any time it becomes a chore, I resort to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or cereal. #soadult
Ooops. You made me go run and see if I have any blog business cards laying around. Phew. I do. Not a ton, but what I have will have to do.
I have a few from the last time I ordered that would work, but some of the information is out of date so I figured it was time to get a few new ones. Hopefully they arrive in time!
I tried coloring, but noticed that instead of relaxing me it made me anxious (all those tiny little spaces yet to fill – argh!).
That’s too bad! I had a hard time with some of the super detailed ones, so I also bought one that’s got bigger drawings so I can work on those if I need a break.
An adult coloring event! I would really like to have such things here too. Sounds great 🙂
And I’m also very exicted for the readathon!!!
I love to colour! I started doing it a couple years ago and then it sort of became a huge thing! I am happy because I had a really hard time finding colouring books back then… Now they are everywhere! And, I think they probably existed when I started, but mostly online and I never thought to look…
I do think it’s cool how you can find coloring books just about anywhere now. And there are tons of really fun ones — it tempting to buy all of them!