One of my favorite things about being a reader is finding the perfect book at the perfect time. Whether it’s a book that scratches the right itch or a book that answers a question we didn’t know we were asking, a book read in a particular moment can resonate throughout our lives.
I was inspired to write about this topic over at Book Riot after reading Mindy Kaling’s most recent memoir, Why Not Me? I really enjoyed her first memoir, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns, when I read it back in 2012 because the lightness of it — and the age Kaling was when she started writing — felt like what I needed to read at that time. Why Not Me? has a similarly funny tone, but the advice she’s passing on now (as a woman of 36) feels even more relevant to me now. Why Not Me? is particularly good when it comes to talking about work, especially being someone “in the trenches” still in a mode of striving for more.
I used this idea to pull together 15 of my favorite works of nonfiction by women, with suggestions on the best time to read them. I’m not going to give all my detailed reasons here, just the books, and suggest you head on over to the post a Book Riot if you want more details.
When You’re Approaching College Graduation
- The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan
- Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling
When You’re Struggling at Adulting
- Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse by Alida Nugent
- Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling (Review)
When You’re Making A Big Career Leap
- Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling
- Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg (Review)
When You’re Considering Your Future Family Plans
- Why Have Kids? by Jessica Valenti
- Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed, edited by Meghan Daum
- Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own by Kate Bolick
When You’re in a Rut
- Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes (Review)
- Hammer Head by Nina MacLaughlin (Review)
When You’re Thinking About Aging/Mortality
- Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (And Other Lessons from the Crematory) by Caitlin Doughty (Review)
- Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Katy Butler (Review)
When You’re Reading Through Grief
- The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (Review)
- Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala (Review)
P.S. The framing of this list isn’t to say that you can’t read this books at different times – you do you, obviously! – but to recognize that life experiences affect how we read certain books and can affect the impact. Enjoy!
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Great recommendations! Spinster came along at the perfect time for me, and I feel like I need to read Why Not Me and Year of Yes.
Year of Yes is such a perfect kick in the pants kind of book, once you get into the meat of it… I didn’t love the first three chapters, but adored it after that.
I’ve really gotten into nonfiction this year so will make note of some of these titles.
I really want to read Spinster! And I too read Why Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me and really enjoyed it a few years ago…I might have to move up Why Not Me because it sounds like it would be a good one to read for where I am in my life. This is a great list!
I’ve got Spinster out from the library right now, but I’m afraid I’m not going to get to it before it needs to go back…
I don’t know all of those books but I wholeheartedly agree with the Joan Didion. It is so honest and real and I want to read it again just so the lessons are implanted for when I need them.
That book… it’s one of the best, if not the best, book on grief and grieving that I’ve ever read. She’s such a talented writer.
I definitely could use some books to help me with the difficulties of adulating. This is a great list!
I’ve only read two on this list (Lean In and Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed) but need to pick up a few others. I’m hesitant about Mindy K’s book because I haven’t seen her show and don’t *love* her, so I’m afraid it might be too much for an intro to her.
In that case, maybe go with Why Not Me? over her first book — I think it skips over more of the “get to know Mindy Kaling” stuff and jumps into some interesting thoughts on friendship and work that I thought were interesting, regardless of the celebrity writer.
Great list and I liked how you set up the recommendations. I have heard of most of these books but haven’t read any of them. Sounds like I need to catch up!
Oh, books to check out! I need some more non fiction in my life.