Time and Place | About 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 8, my 29th birthday!
Eating and Drinking | We’re getting Dairy Queen for a birthday treat at work today. Confetti Cake Blizzard, get in my belly.
Reading | Since I last managed to blog I’ve finished three books: The Lost Landscape by Joyce Carol Oates (collected essays on her childhood in rural New York), Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson (nonfiction about overturning death row cases in the South), and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (you know what this one is about). Today, if I have time to read, I’ll be settling back in with Sally Ride: America’s First Woman in Space by Lynn Sherr.
Watching | I’m midway through season 10 of Friends, but because I’m sad about finishing the series I’m taking a break to catch up on some other comedies like The Mindy Project.
Hating | Work has been stressful for me this week. We’re going through a some staff transitions, we have our big city festival this weekend, and I’ve got some extra projects on my plate at the moment. I’m feeling a little frazzled.
Loving | Thanks, 50 Cent, for the best birthday song. I was reminded about it thanks to my favorite new Spotify playlist, Throwback Dance Party.
Recalling | We had an awesome time hanging out with some out of town friends in the Twin Cities last week. We bummed around the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, went mini-golfing, tried geocaching and had an amazing dinner. I had one of the best cocktails ever, a Rhubarb Streisand (leatherbee gin, rhubarb, lemon and bubbles).
Anticipating | To celebrate my birthday, we’re having friends over tonight to grill burgers and hang out. I have a six pack of Strongbow and a bottle of wine in my refrigerator just waiting for 5 p.m.
Signing Off | And with that, my birthday present to myself is a little blogging break. I’m not planning any posts for the next week or two in the hopes that I can get through this work craziness and come back feeling refreshed. Plus, the weather is beautiful and I want to be outside reading. Thanks for sticking with me, and see you on the flip side!
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Yay — happy birthday! I didn’t realize our days are so close together, and that we’re exactly one year and 10 days apart; I’ll be 30 next Saturday, the 18th. Eek! Enjoy your day and your break!
Happy birthday!! Enjoy your day and your blogging break. Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day.
Happy birthday! It all sounds wonderful – especially the blizzard. Mmm.
Happy birthday! You are giving yourself the perfect gift by taking this off your plate for a little while. Have fun, and we’ll be here when you come back!
Sorry to hear about work, but glad to hear about your birthday and the break. Burgers and booze sound like a great way to celebrate this afternoon. Enjoy!
Happy birthday! It sounds lovely. 🙂
Happy birthday, and enjoy your blog break! I’m glad it’s going to be a short one.
Happy birthday! Enjoy yourself!
Happy happy birthday! Yum! 🙂
(PS Belatedly saw that you loved THE ROYAL WE too. Can’t stop recommending that one!)
Happy Birthday! Eat all the cake!
Happy birthday and enjoy the break
Happy happy birthday, lady, and have a wonderful blogging break! xx
Happy belated birthday! Look forward to hear about the Sally Ride book. Enjoy your break and your birthday week!
Happy, happy birthday! And enjoy your break! It sounds like the best present you can give yourself!
I hope you enjoyed your birthday and manage to get through the craziness of work.
Happy Birthday!
I hadn’t listened to In Da Club for ages, that Spotify playlist is a gold mine! Hope you are managing to relax for a bit too, after all that work stress.
Hope your birthday was awesome!
I have not been around much so this is happy belated birthday to you! GREAT seeing you yesterday!
Happy Belated Birthday-I did not know you were a July baby.