Time and Place | 8 a.m. at my desk, enjoying an obligation-free weekend at home.
Eating and Drinking | Black tea, with plans to make scrambled eggs and sausage in a little bit.
Reading | I finished two books this week! The first book was a memoir, Without You There Is No Us by Suki Kim (Oct. 14 from Crown), about a woman teaching English at a university in North Korea. It was really wonderful. The second book was A Deadly Wandering by Matt Richtel (Sept. 23 from William Morrow), the story of an early legal case about texting and driving and an exploration of the current science of attention. I had a few quibbles with the style of this one (it felt very repetitive in places), but overall it’s a good read on an important contemporary issue.
Watching | I kept away from the television most of the week, but I did indulge in several episodes of Castle yesterday. Nathan Fillion is one of my favorite people.
Listening | I made good progress getting caught up with my favorite podcast, Pop Culture Happy Hour, while I was cooking and eating breakfast. I’m still many episodes behind, but closer.
Cooking | Because I finally had a weekend home with no plans, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday afternoon doing meal prep for the week. I cooked up some slow cooker taco meat and cauliflower rice, cut up vegetables, and prepped to make some chicken today. My Whole30 only officially goes through Monday, but I’m trying to stick to a mostly Paleo diet when I’m finished.
Blogging | This week I shared some true tales of madness and murder for every reader and reviews of a couple of books outside my comfort zone — Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes and The High Divide by Lin Enger. I didn’t get around to doing the big behind-the-scenes blog update I’d planned this weekend. I used that time to write some blog posts instead!
Promoting | This is not an official announcement, just more of a heads up: Nonfiction November is coming back this year! Leslie (Regular Rumination) and I will be joined by two new co-hosts, which I am so excited about. We’ll have more details soon.
Loving | I finally found a pair of khaki pants that fit and seem to look good on me. This has taken a long time.
Wanting | Is there a way to get more time in a weekend? I got a ton of stuff done yesterday, but I still feel like I need another day or two to really feel caught up with life.
Waiting | Doing a Whole30 has been really good for me (details on this at the end of the week), but man, do I miss putting sugar in my tea. I can’t wait until Tuesday when I can ease up just a little bit.
Anticipating | Next weekend I will be having a girls weekend with some of my best friends from high school. We got a hotel room downtown and will just be hanging out for an evening. I’m excited about it.
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Sounds like a great weekend for you! I wish I could find jeans that fit and look good on me – it’s a struggle every year.
Both of those books sound fantastic. And I’m looking forward to hearing more about your Whole30 diet!
A Deadly Wandering sounds good! I did not have a whole weekend of “no commitments” but I do have today and so far have worked on Banned Book Week posts and breakfast 🙂
I am off to check out your whole30 program.
I’m so super excited that you’re planning to do Non-Fiction November again! I’ve secretly been pushing back most of my non-fic books in hopes that I could read them during that period.
That’s exciting! In addition to the planning, I need to put together a reading list of some kind for that month.
Girls weekend sounds amazing! I hope you have the best time!
Once a year, when I’m visiting Indiana, my high school girlfriends and I do the same thing. I swear I’d be insane if I didn’t have that weekend to look forward to. It is so good for us to hang out, with the knowledge that we all have seen each other at our worst and we love each other anyway. I don’t think I really appreciated those friendships back then, but now I really do. And BTW loved that post about true stories of madness and murder!
This will be our second girls weekend. Last year we did a long weekend, this year just one night, but I’m so looking forward to it.
I am interested in this Whole 360 and really looking forward to your post! I tried cauliflower rice for the first time a few weeks ago and I was very surprised by how much I liked it.
Yeah, I ended up enjoying it a lot too. It’s definitely not rice, but it’s good.
I weaned myself off of sugar in my tea years ago and never went back! But then I drink my coffee black, so I maybe didn’t miss the sugar as much as you. Looking forward to keeping up with reading my favorite blogs more regularly in the fall. The summer got away from me!
I’m back to having sugar in my tea… I missed it 🙂
I had high hopes for A Deadly Wandering, but it fizzled out for me. I wanted more of the research and less of the “true crime” feel. (My review posts Friday)
I have an obligation-free weekend coming up. I can’t wait! Glad you enjoyed yours! 🙂
I’ll be looking for your review — I can definitely see wanting more of the science side since it was so interesting.
Since I’m almost a week late in cheering for the obligation-free weekend, I will cheer for the girls’ weekend, instead. Hope you have a wonderful time.
I’m excited to see the (unofficial) announcement that Nonfiction November will be back this year. Even if I’m not able to participate reading-wise, I know I’ll come away with a long list of recommendations for nonfiction books. I finally started Methland based on your recommendation (yes, I know I’m like two years late).