Briefly // Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes on last week’s Currently post. I had a nice day off on Monday and a generally chill day on my actual birthday, Tuesday. Twenty eight is gearing up to be a good year.
Time and Place // About 8:45 a.m. at my desk. This weekend is our annual city festival, so this is the first time I’ve really had time to sit down in front of a computer in the last couple of days.
Eating // An apple and Zhena’s Ultimate Green green tea.
Reading // Despite having a crazy week at work (putting in time in the evening four out of five weekdays), I managed to get a lot of reading done. I finished up a couple of collected volumes of Y:The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn (awesome, can’t wait for the rest to come for me at the library). I also finished World of Trouble by Ben H. Winters (out Tuesday from Quirk Books — loved it) and How to Tell Toledo From the Night Sky by Lydia Netzer (enjoyed it a lot — weirder than I was expecting). I’m in the middle of Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay and, so far, I’m loving that too.
Listening // I’ve been on a major fiction kick over the last month, so I decided to get into some nonfiction with my audio books. I used one of my Audible credits to get Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and so far I absolutely love it.
Watching // The boyfriend and I went to see Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt after the folks on the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast gave it a “pretty hearty thumbs-up.” We both really liked it, especially as a smart, action-packed summer blockbuster type of movie. I especially loved that the entire film didn’t focus on destroying things a la every superhero movie in the last three years.
Buying // This is a new “-ing” for this post to share some of the books I’ve been acquiring. This week I bought The Rook by Daniel O’Malley on the recommendation of a friend and The Shining Girls by Laura Beukes because her upcoming book, Broken Monsters, has been getting so much buzz among the writers over at Book Riot.
Blogging // This week I shared a post on books about life in the business of death (all great reads). I’m also hosting a giveaway of Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Katy Butler (big thanks to Katy for contacting me and offering to send five paperbacks to winners).
Promoting // I thought this piece from the New York Times about the ongoing dispute between Hatchette and Amazon was a good read — pretty fair to the arguments on the many sides of this issue.
Avoiding // I’ve been trying to get back into my One Little Word (curate) over the last couple of months. In June I put myself on a strict spending freeze and was happy with how that went. This month I’m experimenting with a social media freeze on my cell phone. Instead of browsing Twitter or Tumblr of Facebook when I’m bored and waiting, I’m going to try catching up on articles I’ve saved or reading a few pages in an ebook. I’ll keep you posted.
Loving // The high temperature today is only supposed to get into the mid-70s. That is beautiful July weather and will make covering a parade this afternoon so much more enjoyable.
Wanting // I’m so behind on comments. I wish I could just be caught up. I may have to admit defeat and start over from today.
Anticipating // I’m hoping that this week’s work schedule will be a little less brutal — I think it will be, but in the news business you can never quite tell. Fingers crossed!
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?
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First, 28?!? OMG! 🙂 Sorry, I didn’t realize you were such a kid. 😉
Second, I’m jealous of your reading A World of Trouble. I’m on the hold list already at the Free Library of Philadelphia. I’m really looking forward to this one.
Today I have plans to read, but probably will end up watching something on Netflix.
World of Trouble was really fantastic. It was a satisfying way to end the series, I thought, which made me happy even if I’m sad the trilogy is over.
Oh my goodness, I can’t wait to hear your final thoughts on Unbroken. It’s one of my tippy top nonfiction faves 😀
Have a great week!
I just added How to Tell Toledo from the Night Sky to my TBR for the BookTubeaThon this week. I hope I can fit it in!
The high 70s sounds divine! I slept in and didn’t walk until 9:00 and thought I’d have heatstroke.
It’s even cooler here today, something like a high of 65. That’s fall weather, not July!
I love this feature and I should do these kind of things more often. 🙂 I hope you’ll have a less busy week next week and hopefully A LOT of time to read!
Thanks! It’s fun for me to have a weekly excuse to just check in on random life stuff — I’m glad people enjoy reading it.
High 70s? Hush your face. I am so envious. It’s been hot as an oven and incredibly humid this week, and I don’t expect any changes to that any time soon. I’m inside enjoying the air conditioning and trying to figure out what my next read’s going to be.
Apparently Minnesota (and a lot of the upper midwest) is in a summer “polar vortex” of cool temperatures. It’s super weird!
I wish it would stay in the high 70s here! It was so nice and cool earlier this morning. Now it’s heating up. I can’t wait to read Bad Feminist. Did you read Gay’s other book, An Untamed State? I hope you have a good week.
I have An Untamed State, but I haven’t read it yet. I just haven’t felt quite ready for something that difficult.
Oh, Rook was a fun book! I didn’t love The Shinging Girls, but I’ve been hearing so many good things about Broken Monsters that I’ve started to get really excited for it, too.
I also went to see Edge of Tomorrow based on PCHH’s recommendation – I really enjoyed it. It made me think of Looper and District 9 in some ways.
Yes! That’s a good comparison. I was trying to think of “watch alikes” but couldn’t come up with any.
Good for you working on that One Little Word. I find it can be easy to slip in and out of the project. I try to keep my word visible and to connect it with concrete actions but that’s usually just another thing for me to remember in the midst of busy days.
I’m currently reading The Cuckoo’s Calling. I’ve been struggling to really get into the book but I think that’s beginning to change. I found myself sitting down with the book for a pretty big chunk of time this afternoon.
I haven’t been great about mine lately, so that’s why I decided to do a monthly “project” in different areas. That seems to be helping rather than trying to do everything all at once.
Sounds like things are going great for you! 28 is a great age to be! I have been meaning to read The Rook for ages, but probably won’t get to it any time soon.
I’m hoping to get to that one soon, but we’ll see. I get so distracted by different books.
High 70s?!? I know you guys have really brutal winters, but in our 100-degree weather down here, I’m super jealous. ENJOY IT! 🙂 (And yes, that’s a command.)
This is why Minnesotans deal with terrible winters 🙂