Today is my sixth blogiversary! I launched this blog on May 10, 2008, just a few days before my college graduation. I was trying to leave the world of angsty, college girl blogging behind and because I was an English major, I figured a blog about books was the best fit for me.
Six years later I know that book people are my people and that writing about books is my passion. To mark this blog’s entry into first grade, here are six things I’m grateful for after six years of book blogging.
1. I’ve made amazing friends.
Before I started blogging, I was, I think, skeptical about the idea that you could make real, true friends online. Six years later some of the strongest friendships I have are with people I would never have met without this blog. Whenever I get to meet fellow bloggers in person, it amazes me how easily we can just jump into a conversation because we’ve already been talking for years.
2. I’ve traveled to cities I’d be too nervous to visit myself.
Deep down, I’m pretty shy and I’m terrified of traveling. But because of this blog, I’ve been to New York and Los Angeles — two cities I would never have gone otherwise. I traveled to those cities by myself and I survived. That’s huge.
3. I’ve read hundreds of great books.
I love to read and I love to be a reader, but I know that I’ve read more books – and better books – because of this blog. I read more because of other readers and, to be honest, because of the pressure to have content for this blog. While sometimes that is draining, most of the time I love it.
4. I’ve learned the ins and outs of owning a small business and working as a freelance writer.
Since I switched to a self-hosted blog in, I think, 2009, I’ve had to quickly learn all sorts of skills I didn’t know I needed. This blog has become a (very) small business, and I’ve learned how to run it. If I ever jump ship from this newspaper thing and decide to go freelance, this blog will have helped me get there.
5. I’ve stretched my reading and personal horizons.
I used to be a pretty big book snob (just as my sister, she can attest to that). Thanks to the support and push from other readers, I’ve coming more accepting of other genres and the books that other people love. I’ve also tried all sorts of new forms of books, audio books and graphic novels in particular, that I’m not sure I would have tried otherwise.
6. I’ve found my voice.
Thanks to this blog, I’m a contributor to a couple of different websites and do some freelance book reviews for a newspaper. I have a voice in my reviews and a voice as a critic that this blog has helped me develop. The fact that I continue to have readers here who value my opinion enough to read my posts surprises me a little bit every day.
This blog has evolved since I put up my first post, and I’m glad for that. Blogs have to grow with you, and this blog has seen me through an amazingly varied and challenging and wonderful section of my life. I’m so thankful and grateful to all of you who continue to read and make this space something special. Now go read a book!
| Blogiversary 1 | Blogiversary 2 | Blogiversary 3| Blogiversary 4 | Blogiversary 5 |
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Happy blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary!! In this six years, you have introduced me to a wealth of non-fiction titles I might not have discovered on my own. Thank you!
Congratulations of being bloggy awesome for 6 years 🙂 Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read.
Congratulations on six awesome years! You’ve definitely done great things for your readers, too 🙂
You were a book snob! The Princess Diaries is a legit reading choice ;). Happy Blogiversary! -J
Congratulations and happy blogiversary! I think many of us share at least some of your reasons for being grateful for book blogging. See you soon in New York! 😀
An inspiring post from one of the most influential bloggers in my life. You’ve changed my reading life and blogging life in so many ways. Congratulations on your anniversary. (It sure doesn’t feel like six years and I think I was a reader from your early days).
Yours was one of the first blogs I regularly read when I first joined the blogosphere. Congrats on six years blogging and all the good things that came with it!
Happy blogiversary!
happy blogiversary! Blogging changed my reading habits a lot, too. It’s great to see how reading can change our horizons.
Congrats on six years! It’s about six years for me, too, and I agree that blogging about books is a wonderful experience in many ways I would not have expected.
Happy blogiversary, Kim!
Congratulations on six years, Kim! This is such a great post!
Congratulations!! Six years is something to be proud of! And I totally agree with your reason #1. Before I started my blog I thought people who developed friendships online were …. weird at best. Now i really love the friendships i’ve developed. On the rare occasions when I’ve met a fellow blogger IRL it has been amazing.
Keep at it, I love your blog.
Here’s to six more years!
Congratulations! Looking forward to another year of great posts!
Happy anniversary friend!
Woot happy blogoversary. Those are great reasons. I think being a blogger is a great way to learn about yourself as well as learn how to do lots of cool things.
Happy blogiversary, Kim!! I’m so happy we met, both online and in real life, and I can’t wait until we can hang out in person in a few weeks!!
Happy Bloggiversary! It was great getting to meet you a couple of those times in NYC, and I so agree with many of your reasons for being grateful for this book blogging thing. Hope there are many great blogging years yet to come!
Wow, what an amazing amount of time to be blogging! I agree with your points about meeting amazing people for sure! And the change for the better blogging brings to reading habits. Congrats!
Congratulations on six years! I’m almost there myself and it’s been an amazing ride. I certainly never thought I would continue for this long. There are just so many benefits though. I hope that you are still enjoying yourself and that you have years ahead of you. I really enjoy reading your posts!
Happy blog birthday! Time flies, doesn’t it? And blogging friendships are the best. I had my 7th birthday a month ago, and can hardly believe it.
My goodness, I could have written this post myself! 🙂 All so true, and such wonderful points. I’m grateful to have met you through blogging — and met you during real-life adventures in New York, too! Yay for blogging, and yay for Sophisticated Dorkiness! 🙂
Awesome post! Congrats on blogging for 6 years. That’s really great. Blogging sure is wonderful 🙂
Congratulations, Kim! There is so much we learn from blogging, and it’s interesting just how much we don’t realise we’ve learned!
Happy blogging birthday, wonderful Kim! I think you’re brilliant!
Congratulations! Happy Blogiversary! Six years is an accomplishment!
Congrats on 6 years! You’ve definitely created something wonderful here.
Happy 6 years! I love this list of things that blogging has brought you, it’s great when a hobby can bring such fun and adventure.
Wow, congrats on your blogiversary! How wonderful!
sorry for being late, just wanted to congratulate you on your 6 years, and say how happy I am you persevered. I really appreciate reading your blog
I’m late to the party, but Happy Blogiversary!!!
I’m late to the party too! Happy Blogiversary to one of my favorite bloggers! Keep up the great work!!!
Happy Blogoversary and it’s great that you have been blogging for six years – that’s inspiring. I hope I last that long.
Happiest of anniversaries! How did I miss this event! I loved your post – New York is the first place I have ever traveled to alone and that was because of my love of books and the blog…. how funny 🙂 Keep putting up those great reviews – I am watching – you have given me amazing suggestions!
My 5th anniversary is coming up this next week June 9th… think I will celebrate on Saturday 🙂