I fully intended to have this post written and published about three hours ago. Then I got absorbed reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and my whole morning disappeared. C’est la vie.
Time // 12:02 p.m.
Place // The usual, my cluttered desk in my chilly house.
Eating // Chocolate chip cookies and raspberries, the breakfast of champions. I’m not eating Taco John’s, although I did have a disgustingly good quesadilla there on Friday for lunch.
Drinking // Green tea
Reading // Aside from Fangirl, which is nearly too delightful to put into words and made me have all of the feelings, I haven’t finished any books this week. I’ve been meandering slowly through several — Super Graphic by Tim Leong (“a visual guide to the comic book universe”), Best American Essays 2013, and Skippy Dies by Paul Murray. I’m also still trying to decide on my January recommendation for Blogger’s Recommend; more on that once I figure out what I want to suggest.
Watching // The Sing-Off is back! I think that show is delightful and I will not put up with anyone telling me otherwise.
Making // The boyfriend and I went to an ugly sweater Christmas party last night, so I made chocolate chip cookies to share. I haven’t baked much since I started Weight Watchers, so it was fun to get into the groove a bit. They turned out awesome. I will be chowing down.
Blogging // I had big plans for the blog last week… and then I was too brain dead to write much of anything. I have a few Read in 2013 books that I still want to write reviews of, but it looks like that will have to wait until after the holidays. This week I’ll be putting up my favorite fiction and nonfiction reads of the year, then putting the blog in quiet mode for the week of Christmas. I drafted both of my lists yesterday afternoon and I am SO EXCITED to share them.
Promoting // The crew over at Book Riot posted our best books of 2013 list this week and man, is it a doozy. I love how eclectic the list turned out to be — I guarantee you’ll see books you know and books you’ve never heard of if you skim through.
Hating // I would complain about the weather, but we managed to get into the double digits (yes, above 10 degrees!) this week so I can’t really whine too much. I am frustrated that I spent so much time procrastinating over the last three or four weeks. I have a couple big projects that need to get done today that I could have dealt with a lot sooner.
Loving // I got to the gym for a weight lifting class yesterday morning, which I am starting to feel pretty good about. We did some pushups as part of one of the songs and I could actually, almost finish a few. This is major progress.
Anticipating // I’m heading to my parent’s house for the entire Christmas week. I can’t wait to leave on Friday after work.
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?
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I tell you, I am addicted to my training class, which is part cardio, part weights. I’m to the point where I’m actually good at it, and I love it. And Fangirl. Yes, yes, yes, Fangirl. I am in love with all of Rainbow Rowell’s books. Completely, totally smitten. Fangirl and Eleanor & Park will both be on my best lists, which start tomorrow!!! Come listen to me goosh all over about Rainbow.
Are you doing Body Pump? That’s the class I’ve been going to. I didn’t know much about it when I started but it seems like it’s helping me tone and get stronger.
I love when I get lost in a book and look up to find it is three hours later. with the company of great chocolate cookies it even sounds better.
Hope you will have a great Christmas!!
Congratulations on pushups! That is an amazing accomplishment!!
I can’t wait to see your beset of lists (especially your non-fiction one!)…and I have to admit, I was so jealous of that quesadilla.
Man, was that quesadilla good. I haven’t had one in awhile.
I have been making progress on my audio reading, but I am VERY slow with the actual reading. I haven’t finished a book all week either even though I love the book I am in the middle of. I am not sure what is up with that, but no point in stressing about it. 🙂 I hope the week goes by fast so you can enjoy your holiday week. I look forward to your lists!
We’re in the double digits here, but it feels like the single digits…and then there’s the snow. Not that I’m complaining. 🙂 I’m not going anywhere this weekend so it’s okay. It’s a good chance to catch up on a little reading.
Enjoy your time off Christmas week. I have posts scheduled for that week, but won’t be “on my blog” much…I also have a few days off Christmas week so will be enjoying them reading too.
I’ve had a little debate about whether I should get some posts ready for vacation, but I’m really leaning towards not doing anything. I could use the break!
It’s been plenty warm here (40s), but I have the world’s draftiest office, so I have to either wear trousers to work every day, or else keep the space heater running. The office somehow manages to feel colder than being outside.
Looking forward to seeing your lists! I made a superlatives of 2013 list, which is posting on Friday, and I had a hell of a time winnowing it down. 2013 was a fantastic reading year for me.
I had a lot of great books in 2013 too. I think I could have added about five more to both of my lists if I thought about it more.
I loved Fangirl too. I can’t wait to see your best of list.
I got sucked into Fangirl in the very same way. Rainbow Rowell always makes me lose hours…
Currently reading CRITICAL MASS by Sara Paretsky.
I love Sing Off too! This is my first year watching it and it’s delightful!
My sister got me into it and I’m in love. The boyfriend isn’t interested so I end up watching it by myself when he’s not around, but that’s ok 🙂
Sigh — Weight Watchers will definitely kill off the baking habit, that’s for sure. Sad! But I’ve started baking tons, eating one (or, okay, TWO) of my creations before taking them into the office. You know as well as I do, I’m sure, that nothing brings newspaper folks together quite like free food 😉
Newsies do love free food. That’s a productive way to support your baking habit 🙂
Cookies are most definitely the breakfast of champions. I think the only thing that would be more awesome is eating them at an ugly sweater party. That sounds hilarious! I can’t wait to see which books made your favorites list, especially since you’re so excited about them 🙂