Time // 12:10 p.m.
Place // I’m on my sister’s couch in Uptown with the Patriots/Dolphins game on the television
Eating // Nothing, for the moment, but we’re heading out to a Mexican restaurant for a family dinner later tonight.
Drinking // Cranberry Blood Orange Tea
Reading // This week I finished one book, Allegiant by Veronica Roth (what a book!), and made progress with another The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. The Goldfinch is taking awhile because it’s so long, but I’m really enjoying it. I hope I can get it finished up in the next couple of days.
Watching // I had a crazy busy week at work, so I didn’t get much time in front of the television. I actually can’t think of anything new or interesting that I watched this week.
Listening // I finally finished another audiobook, Extra Lives by Tom Bissell, a literary/critical look at the world of video games (particularly the experience of playing games that try to be immersive experiences). It was good, but I’m still sorting out my thoughts on it.
Blogging // I managed to post two reviews this week — Drama High by Michael Sokolove and How to Write Short by Roy Peter Clark. I haven’t decided what I want to write about this week, but I’m sure I’ll think of something.
Hating // I’ve had the same Olympus voice recorder since before I started grad school five years ago. This week, my faithful sidekick finally bit the dust. It was a little sad, but on the plus side I got to splurge on a new voice recorder that has plenty of nifty extra features.
Loving // We had a really lovely, warm fall day on Friday, which was amazing. I
Avoiding // Because we’re going out to dinner tonight, I need to try and eat healthy the rest of the day (thanks, Weight Watchers). But there’s also some Halloween candy calling my name that I have to avoid for the afternoon.
Wanting // I would really love to get a few wins in my fantasy football leagues this week. One team, Touchdownton Abbey, is so very close to being at the top of the league.
Anticipating // I’m excited to see my parents for dinner tonight. I’ve been in the Twin Cities a lot over the last month, but I haven’t seen them as often as I would like.
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?
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Sad about your old recorder but it must be fun to have a shiny new one! With all the bells and whistles! I hope it treats you well.
I’m still in the midst of The Goldfinch as well. It’s so good but I’m finding little time to read.
I love the book when I sit down to read it, but I often don’t feel motivated to pick it back up… I think the length is psyching me out or something!
When I worked for newspapers, I never used recorders myself. Somehow, though, I still could read my notes ;).
Ha! I’ve gotten lazy about taking good shorthand because I use the recorder. But I like being able to verify quotes when I need them, so the extra tedium of going back through a recording is worth it.
Reading The Goldfinch too – about 300 pages in. It’s all about making the time to get immersed.
I have heard horrid things about Allegiant, so much that I’m not even sure if I’ll read Insurgent. (I’ve had it sitting on my shelf since the day it came out but have so far been uninspired.)
I loved Divergent, felt annoyed by Insurgent, but enjoyed Alleigant. It’s a very fast-paced book (to the point where it feels too manic at times), but I thought it was a good story and a sad but satisfying conclusion to the series.
Everyone’s in the middle of The Goldfinch! I thought I could finish it before pub date, but started way too late!
Omg, the name of your fantasy team! Ha, loooove it!
I’m looking forward to hearing what you think about Goldfinch. I recently won a copy and I’m excited!
I was so proud of that team name, you have no idea!
I try to buy Halloween candy that I DON’T like because I have no self control! And I can’t wait to get my hands on Allegiant! 🙂
I’m looking forward to reading Allegiant soon. I never enjoyed the other two books much but I’m curious to know how it all ends.
I thought it wrapped up convincingly, even if Allegiant had some problems. I love Tris and Four, and I liked their story in the third book.
Your fantasy team name cracked me up! Awesome to know that you’re a fan of football as well as books–me too, and I don’t meet enough people who share both loves.