It’s been a strange week and I have a really awful summer cold, so we’ll see where this post ends up going!
Time // 11:15 a.m.
Place // At my desk in my office, a typical Sunday morning.
Consuming // Water
Reading // I had a really good reading week, finishing three books that I’m rally excited to write about. The first was Slow Getting Up by Nate Jackson, a book about what it’s like to be one of the more “average” players in the NFL today. The second was Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Katy Butler, a look at how the medical system and fighting for a “natural death.” This morning I finished a third, Pilgrim’s Wilderness by Tom Kizza, a “true story of faith and madness on the Alaska frontier.” It’s really been a great week of reading.
Watching // I was hoping to start my Bout of Books-inspired television diet this weekend, but I ended up spending nearly all of yesterday afternoon finishing up Avatar: The Last Airbender because my cold-addled brain just couldn’t focus on reading. The cold is worse today, but I feel more focused than yesterday. We’ll see what happens.
Listening // All is quiet on the audio book front, but I am going to experiment with audio books and crafting this week. I normally craft and watch television, but I think it will be fun to try audio books instead to see how I like it.
Blogging // After not getting much blogging done last weekend, it was a surprisingly busy week here on the blog. I had a couple of posts go up elsewhere — a guest post about my bookshelves and a professional book review — and still managed to write two reviews. I call that a win.
Hating // The boyfriend picked up extra shifts at both of his part time jobs this week, so I’ve spent a lot more time by myself this week than I normally do. It was nice for the first couple days, but after awhile it got lonely. It’ll be nice to be back to a more normal schedule this week.
Loving // Insurance! My hail-damaged car was declared a total loss when I took it to the adjuster last weekend. While I’m sad about that, the settlement check I got my from insurance company is cheering me up. I’m going to put most of it in savings for when I decide to get a new car, but have a couple of things I may splurge on in the mean time.
Avoiding // I want to write a couple of book reviews for the week, but my brain is feeling pretty mushy because of this cold. I’ll have to settle in at some point this afternoon, maybe after lunch.
Waiting // I splurged and pre-ordered a copy of Night Film by Marisha Pessel, which comes out this Tuesday. After all the good reviews this one has gotten from bloggers, I can’t wait to read it!
Anticipating // I am also excited for the Bout of Books this week! I am working on a goals post that I’ll probably put up tonight or tomorrow morning, but my biggest plan for the week is to try and cut out all my extra television watching and devote that time to reading. I’m curious to see how that affects the number of books I’ll finish.
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Gah! Summer colds are the worst! Hope this one passes quickly. Expectations can be your worst enemy I realize, and everyone IS going on and on about Night Film (I personally loved it) but I predict many people will have issues. Because of expectations and because it is a little…trippy. But if you like different, then you are in for a treat.
I hope I’m on the upswing of this cold because it has been a huge pain. I hate missing the end of summer feeling sick.
I’ve tried not to read any of the reviews of Night Film too closely, so I don’t know much about it other than what you said — a little trippy but enjoyed by many. I hope I love it.
I hope you feel better soon 🙂 I was tired from travelling this past week and so I’ve been watching a bit more TV than usual myself. Hopefully for next week we’ll both feel up to reading more.
Traveling can make reading hard too, especially when you’re home and just want to be lazy.
I’m with Sandy, summer colds are just awful. I hope you’re back to normal soon.
Thanks, me too!
My allergies are acting up this week too for some reason so you’re in good company or I’m in good company, whichever. 🙂 I can relate to what you say about missing your boyfriend. My wife went away on a conference for a couple of days and I went out for “our” traditional dinner and coffee on Friday night without her. It wasn’t quite the same. I’m glad she’s home.
I’m glad the boyfriend is home too. I thought I’d get a long done while he was working, but I ended up being pretty lazy then too.
I hope you like Night Film! I thought it was tremendous fun and was not let down by it at all, but I’m sure not everyone will love it. It’s quite quite weird. Delightful (to me) but extremely weird.
I just want it to be fun. I feel like I haven’t had a “fun” read in awhile, which is silly since I’ve been reading HP and those are entirely fun.
I also have reviews to write. Sometimes you just get into those moods. I hope you’re feeling better soon and can get some of the book reviews written during Bout of Books!
Maybe cutting back on TV for the week will help with getting things written too. I guess we’ll see!
No Bout of Books for me–it’s moving week, so more like Bout of Boxes :-). Hope you feel better soon, and up for some good reading!
Lol, bout of boxes. I like that. Good luck moving — it can be a pain, but it will be so nice when you’re done!
Feel better! Sounds like the books you read this week were amazing, though. Can’t wait to read your reviews!
(Oh and hooray on settlement fees! Buy ALL the books, hehe)
They were, it was a great reading week. I’m hoping for equally as good this week.
If I used all of the settlement check for books, my house would overflow. It’s be amazing though.
Oh summer colds are the worst, worst, worst 🙁 Hope you’re feeling 100% very soon!
I can’t wait to hear what you thought about Pilgrim’s Wilderness. CUCKOO!
SO CRAZY! The book just turned so 180 degrees in the middle. Totally insane.
Sorry to hear about the summer cold. It sounds like you aren’t going to let that cold stop you though! Happy reading and writing!