Time // 9:00 a.m.
Place // My sister’s kitchen table in Uptown with her orange tabby, Merlin.
Consuming //We have plans for bacon and eggs soon, but for now I’m eating a VitaTop and a banana with a glass of milk.
Reading // It felt like I got a lot of reading done this week, but a look over to Goodreads tells me I only finished one book, The Distraction Addiction by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang (out Aug. 20). It was a very helpful look at how to bring mindfulness to our use of technology. This week I need to finish a book for a tour, The Hunt for Hitler’s Warship by Patrick Bishop. I am also excited to start The Cuckoo’s Calling, which I found on the bottom of a pile of ARCs I’d set aside earlier this year (it felt like uncovering a treasure, seriously).
On the ereading front, I’m in the middle of two ARCs, Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosch and Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Katy Butler (out in October and September respectively).
Listening// I finished Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo (loved) and started Countdown City by Ben Winters (really like so far).
Watching // I didn’t watch much this week, but did discover that the final seasons of two shows I love finally showed up on Netflix: Fringe and Merlin. So, you have a good idea of what I’ll be doing over the next month or two! The boyfriend and I also got back into the fourth season of Breaking Bad.
I supposed you could also count my trip to the Guthrie Theater to see Pride and Prejudice as watching too. My sister and I got tickets because she loves everything P&P and I’m starting to love it too. The actor who plays Pete Campbell on Mad Men played Mr. Darcy and was surprisingly good — not as brooding as other Darcys but still sufficiently terse and vulnerable. He hit the first, failed proposal to Elizabeth just perfectly.
Concluding // I have a few more thoughts, but I’m typing on the screen of my tablet and it’s starting to hurt my hands… so I’m going to call it good. Happy Sunday, everyone!
Pictured but not mentioned: Cat cuddles with Hannah and Saturday morning’s breakfast on the go with my sister.
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I’ll be very interested to hear what you think of the Bishop, I’m curious about that one.
Happy Sunday Kim!
It’s pretty good so far. A little slow, but interesting.
I told Carl I’d like a tablet with a stylus and he looked at me like I’m crazy, but using tablets hurts my hands too.
Having the stylus for some things really does help. Usually I have a keyboard for long bouts of typing, but didn’t have it with me this time.
Whoa, Pete Campbell as Darcy? That is not what I would have pictured. He’s the one who plays Connor on Angel, right?
Umm… no idea about the Angel thing. But yeah, I was skeptical too. But they played this version of P&P a little lighter, I think, and so it worked that he was a little less brooding. Mutton chops helped him look less smarmy too.
I’ve been wondering if anyone had a Cuckoo’s Calling ARC set aside somewhere…that’s definitely something to hang on to! Lucky lady 🙂 I just finished Countdown City and really enjoyed it.
It’s funny — I didn’t even think of it as a potential collector’s item until a friend mentioned it on Twitter. I was just excited that I could read it without waiting on my library hold list.
Hi Kim, I look forward to your thoughts on Cuckoo’s Calling and if it’s worthy of reading really soon. Enjoy your Sunday. cheers. http://www.thecuecard.com/
I may not get to it this week, as much as I want to, which is a bummer!
Whenever I read your posts, I always think, “Yes, yes…and yes!” on most of the things about which you discuss. For example, The Distraction Addiction, yes, I’d like to read that; Countdown City, that too; Hyperbole and a Half, yes. Also I’d like to see more Fringe and Breaking Bad too. We’re only in the first couple of seasons with both of them, but need to catch up. Maybe this winter we’ll do that. Thanks for reminding about Countdown City. I almost forgot about it.
The Distraction Addiction was really good. I can’t wait to review it. I went through a massive Fringe binge earlier this year and have just been waiting for S5 to show up (although since I wrote this post Netflix took it down because making it available was an error…curses!)
Good stuff! You have quite a few books on the go it sounds like. I hope you enjoy. And congrats on finding The Cuckoo’s Calling in your stacks! What a discovery.
I have had a hard time settling on books lately. I want to read so much, which makes me end up not reading much of anything.
So you had The Cuckoo’s Calling before the unveiling? That’s awesome, and like Shannon I was wondering if a blogger might have had a copy. You wouldn’t expect it of Rowling but under a different name they must have used the ‘usual tactics’. With the unfinished books you did quite a bit of reading 🙂
I did, but had no idea! It’s kind of funny to look at it now with that different perspective.
I can’t wait to hear what you think of Cuckoo’s Calling. Hope you enjoy it!
I hope so too!
Sounds like a good morning. Looking forward to hearing what you think about Cuckoos Calling. I have it on my iPad but seem hesitant to dig in.
Also, I’m excited that the last season of Merlin is on Netflix. I’ve been eager to watch it too!
I’m almost sad to start it because then the show is over! I may wait a bit to actually start just to prolong it 🙂