Time // 8:45 p.m.
Place // At my desk in my office.
Eating // I just got back from a work potluck, which was amazing. The ladies I work with can make some awesome salads and deserts.
Drinking // Water.
Reading // I had a great week of reading, thanks in part to the Bout of Books. In case you missed it, I challenged myself to turn off the television for the week and, overall, I think I did pretty good. I slipped up a bit this weekend, but I was so busy with other things I don’t think it made much of a difference.
Anyway, this week I finished Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed and Night Film by Marisha Pessl. I’m about half way through Why Have Kids? by Jessica Valenti and just started a re-read of Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood.
My plan for this week is to finish Oryx and Crake, then read Year of the Flood so I can read Maddaddam over the weekend (I’m practically squealing with excitement that I got approved for an egalley). I also need to get going on Visiting Tom by Michael Perry for a tour after Labor Day.
Watching // I slimmed way down on television this week, but the boyfriend and I are still watching Breaking Bad and I’ve been revisiting White Collar when I need a little low-brain entertainment.
Blogging // I think this week the blog was mostly Bout of Books. I’m planning a wrap up for tomorrow and then, I hope, a couple of reviews for some July/August books I’ve been lazy about — Pilgrim’s Wilderness by Tom Kissa, Hothouse by Boris Kachka or The Distraction Addiction by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. We’ll see what I feel like writing about this week!
Hating // The weather! I feel a bit like Goldilocks… first too cold, and now too hot. But oh my gosh, it’s been just brutally warm this weekend and will stay that way through the week. Our poor window AC units are struggling to keep up!
Loving // I loved getting so much reading done this week. Night Film totally creeped me out in the most wonderful way — I highly recommend that one.
Avoiding // I need to clean Hannah’s litterbox… but ugh, I hate that.
Enjoying // This video — An American Coach in London — made me laugh a lot.
Wanting // A new camera. I think I’m going to use a little bit of the insurance money I got for my car to splurge on a new DSLR camera. I’m a little overwhelmed at the number of choices, so any camera experts that can offer some advice on a basic, easy to use camera would be welcome.
Anticipating // Next weekend my sister and I are going to the State Fair, then up to the family cabin for the long weekend. After our slow spring, I’m optimistic the water will have warmed up enough to go swimming. I can’t wait! I’m also excited for my fantasy football drafts this week. I’m in more leagues than is advisable (three), but I think it’ll be a fun season anyway.
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My wife and I are just getting back into watching Breaking Bad, but we’re only on Season 2, so we have a lot to catch up on. This past weekend, I’ve had a summer cold so all I’m up for is watching CSI: NY. It doesn’t take much effort to pay attention to it, unlike Breaking Bad…which is, well, so intense.
BB is really intense. We can only watch one episode at a time now because it’s so tense! When I needed some brainless tv this week I turned to White Collar — same idea as CSI: NY but with fewer bodies 🙂
We have about three more episodes to watch in Season 3, and my hubby is going out of town which means NO BREAKING BAD UNTIL HE GETS BACK!!! Ack! And wasn’t Night Film incredible? It definitely sets the bar for mystery reads for 2013.
Night Film was awesome! I should not have read it alone in my house at night — I’ve been having some weird dreams since — but I loved it.
I have a Canon Rebel XS entry-level DSLR that I’ve enjoyed. I am now looking to upgrade if you’d like to purchase it, shoot me an email.
Good to know! Someone else recommended a Canon Rebel, so I’ll have to look into that one more.
I’m re-reading Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood in prep for MaddAddam as well. Reading them all together is such a thrill!
I really love getting to re-read trilogies in prep for the third book. There’s something really satisfying about it. I think the next one I’ll get to do that for is The Magicians.
I really like my Canon T2i, but I’m definitely not an expert on all the options! It always surprises me that you like fantasy football, perhaps because we read some similar books and I am the farthest thing ever from being a football fan. Although the geeky data lover in me does want to see if I could use stats to be awesome at fantasy football or baseball 😛
The football thing is relatively recent. I hated it as a kid, but I think my dad has helped my interest grow. I am not very good at fantasy football (and not into statistics!), but it’s something fun to do to make games more interesting.
Instead of turning off the tv, I probably really need to turn off my computer in order to get some reading done. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on The Distraction Addiction. I just put it in my pile unread to donate to the library. There’s just not enough time for all of these ARCs. Have a good week.
I could use some CPU dieting too, although this week I felt like I was away from that screen a lot too. I loved The Distraction Addiction, but I think that was in part because it’s part of that whole time management/productivity books kick I’ve been on.
I am so excited for football to start back up again. I made my first week picks in the office pickem league this week, and it made me feel happy, and then we are doing fantasy draft pretty soon. I have so many plans. I won fantasy AND pickem last year and I do not want to fail to live up to my reputation.
You have big expectations! I did rather poorly last year, so I think the only way to go is up.
Breaking Bad this week was insanely good! Of course, it usually is 😉
My cats are indoor/outdoor kitties which really cuts down on the litter box chore. I don’t know where they are going…and I don’t want to, lol.
We just watched this week… oh my gosh! Jesse! I can’t even begin to figure out what is going to happen next.