Time // 10:30 a.m.
Place // At my desk in cold, rainy rural Minnesota.
Eating // A fried egg on toast with extra sharp cheddar cheese with a side of cherries. I’m still obsessed.
Drinking // Good Earth Cocoa Chai Tea.
Reading // I’ve been a rather indecisive reader all week. I finished two books — Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (my 50th book of the year!) and The Illusion of Separateness by Simon Van Booy for a TLC Book Tour next month — but have dipped in and out of several others. The book I’d really like to finish is The Last Harvest by Witold Rybczynski, a look at the history of urban development through a project in rural Pennsylvania. The small town I live in this right in the middle of its own development project so this book is interesting to me on several levels. I also read a couple chapters in Duel with the Devil by Paul Collins (because I am in love with the subtitle) and The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell (because I’m tempted by hype and unreliable narrators). I also read the introduction of The Society of Timid Souls by Polly Morland, a look at historic and modern conceptions of bravery, that I think will be very good.
Watching // I’ve been trying to avoid getting sucked into another television show until the boyfriend and I finish Arrested Development and this season of Game of Thrones, so I didn’t spend much time in front of the television this week. I did watch the first couple episodes of Ugly Betty last night while I was trying to get to sleep, and I think that one will be fun. Two big movies finally came to our one-screen movie theater this week — Star Trek: Into Darkness and The Great Gatsby — so I think the boyfriend and I will be going to those at some point.
Listening // With Audiobook Week coming up later this month (hosted by Jen at Devourer of Books), I should be trying to finish up at least one audio book. But I just haven’t been in the mood. I’ve been listening to podcasts and NPR Music’s 100 Favorite Songs of 2012. I think I’ve mentioned that particular Spotify list before, but if not I highly recommend it. About every other song makes me chair dance while I’m typing.
Blogging // Last week on the blog I posted a review of The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown, shared my monthly wrap-up, and introduced the Harry Potter reading project my sister and I are taking on this summer. I’m not sure what the plan is yet for this week — depends what I can get written today!
Hating // The last few weeks at work have been oddly stressful. I’m not quite sure what is going on, but I know that work is starting to get to me when my snack drawer fills up with fruit snacks and Rice Krispie Treats. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s going to get any calmer over the next three weeks while I work on putting out three editions of the paper, an extra special section, and prep for my vacation during the first week of July. I love my job, truly, but it’s hard too.
Also, the weather, but that’s become such a common refrain it’s hardly worth mentioning. I went to an outdoor picnic this week bundled up in a coat and gloves. It’s June, not October!
Loving // After toying around with several online/Android task management programs, I think I’ve finally settled on Todoist. It’s very clean and easy to use, and it offers several ways to organize and review tasks.
Avoiding // I really need to clean my desk. There are books and pens and paper and candy wrappers and miscellaneous junk laying everywhere. I’ll probably have to do that this morning before I can settle in and write this afternoon.
Anticipating // Vacation! It’s still about three weeks away, but part of the joy of any trip is looking forward to leaving. I’ve already started trying to decide which books I am going to take with me. The stack is tall at the moment.
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?
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I’m really curious to hear about Duel with the Devil.
I started it this weekend and so far I really love it.
Oo, I’ve been so out of touch with all things bloggy lately, that it has totally escaped me that Simon van Booy has new fiction coming. Looking forward to that review!
I hear you about the weather being exceedingly weird this year. I went to a Memorial Day Picnic dressed up like it was still March. By the following Friday, it was sweating 90 degree hot. This week was all rainy, now today is nice, but I’m going to movies so… Oh well, you know. LOL.
Hope your stressful weeks go by quickly and vacation proves to be refreshing!
I only heard of it because of the book tour. I would have missed it too!
Duel with the Devil sounds like my cup of tea! I can’t wait to hear your final thoughts on that one.
Boo to stress! I suggest a massage and/or a pedicure. I could use both of those myself.
Ack, messy desks. We could compare but I’d be too embarrassed, lol. Thanks for the inspiration though. I’m going to clean my desk. Today!
I have a pedicure planned for the second day of my vacation — super excited! I got my desk sort of clean in the afternoon, but there’s still a pile of stuff in my office that needs to be dealt with 🙂
Yuck, sorry about the weather up there! It’s just starting to get really hot here in SoCal, which is nice if you’re at the beach but terrible if you’re home and need the AC on all the time.
We all have our weather problems, it seems 🙂
Duel with the Devil looks so good!
Sorry you’re stressed at work. I know the feeling. I actually just found Toodledo (another to-do list) and have found it makes me feel much calmer. I’ve had a difficult time keeping everything straight lately.
Hope this week is better!
I saw that one when I was doing research on applications, but never really looked at it too hard. Todoist is helping me feel like I am forgetting less, although I have to be better about keeping my to do lists realistic.
We’re getting lots of rain but, thankfully, it’s warm here.
I think it’s going to be warmer this week and next, which is wonderful.
Re reading: Maybe the problem is you’re reading too many books at one time??
Re: anticipating: You ended the post at the good part – I’d love to know what you’re taking on vacation with you. I hope you’ll continue with an addendum!
Lol! That is totally the problem! I have too many temping books lately.
I’m still working on my vacation book list, but I’ll definitely post about it before I go in a few weeks.
Congratulations on finishing your 50th book! I’m going to check out the Todoist. It sounds like something I need. When I want to clean out my desk (or anything else), I usually put my kitchen timer on for 15 minutes. It helps to keep me focused. Maybe it’ll help you? Have a good week.
That’s a good idea for cleaning up. The tricky part is my “office” is really just in the same room as our dining room, so it’s not always my stuff causing messiness. It’s a bit of a catch-all space for the stuff in our house.
I can certainly relate to you this week! Very busy, and down time activities are hit or miss. Congrats’ on 50 books! that is awesome!!!!
I have yet to read the beginning of Harry Potter so thanks for that reminder.
I think I will borrow this post design for my What’s up Wednesday post. It covers anything perfectly 🙂
Hope the rain passes quickly and the temps warm up. No one should picnic with gloves and a jacket.
Borrow away! I’ve adapted this from several other bloggers — not an especially novel idea 🙂
We’ve been calling this prolonged spell of cool and rainy Scottish Summer.
Ha! That’s exactly what it is. I want my warm, prairie summer!
I saw this come through my feed yesterday (but didn’t comment because I was on my phone), and I totally wanted that breakfast. SO YUM!
I’ve been eating a lot of eggs on toast lately. It’s making me super happy at the moment.