Time // 9:00 a.m.
Place // Today I’m coming to you from my old reading chair out on our porch. It finally warmed up enough that I can sit out here, which is so excellent.
Eating // Strawberries and a donut.
Drinking // Black tea, I can’t remember the brand or flavor.
Reading // I had a pretty good week of reading. I finished You by Austin Grossman on Thursday afternoon and finished a couple of other books during the Readathon yesterday — Frozen in Time by Mitchell Zuckoff and the audiobook of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. I also started World War Z by Max Brooks, but didn’t quite finish it last night. I’m hoping to get though the last 60 pages or so this morning.
After that, I’m not sure what I’ll be reading. I didn’t get as many books read during the Readathon as I wanted to, so I may try to read through another one of those books today, either Divergent by Veronica Roth (at my sister’s recommendation) or Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.
Celebrating // Spring is finally here! This week it’s like Mother Nature flipped a switch for spring to come. On Wednesday night it snowed, so much that I had to scrape off my car on Thursday morning. By Friday morning, it was in the 60s and warm — I got to pull out sandals. I spent a good chunk of the day yesterday outside reading, which is what I intend to do today as well. Having spring weather has drastically improved my mood — I didn’t realize how out-of-sorts I’ve been until Friday when I finally felt normal again.
Watching // I’m still watching lots and lots of episodes of Fringe. I’m addicted.
Making // I baked some killer chocolate chip cookies on Friday night. Seriously, they’re good.
Blogging // It was another quiet week on the blog. I did manage to get two reviews posted, one for Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris and one for Contagious by Jonah Berger. I’m too lazy to deal with links, but I hope you’ll check them out.
Anticipating // I am so excited for another warm, sunny day. I plan to spend most of it sitting outside in my lawn chair reading, but I might also get off my butt and go for a run. We’ll see where the day takes me.
Happy Sunday, everyone! What are you reading today?
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Reading outside sounds like heaven. Our winter has lasted…oh around a million years. The sun is shining today though, yahoo! Have a great day 🙂
Ours did too! I went back to look at how long we’d had snow, and I found my first complaint about at almost exactly six months ago. That’s horrible!
Enjoy World War Z–one of my favorites! There’s also a fantastic radio play where actors like Alan Alda and Mark Hamill play the different parts–brings it alive in a whole different way.
I’m curious about the radio play. I think maybe I would have liked that better. The voices weren’t very distinct, but with different actors I’m sure they would be.
World War Z sounds interesting. Just read Vera’s comment, and the radio play sounds good, too. It’s lovely that you’re sitting outside and reading now. Our weather’s been getting better and better, but I’ve never actually taken a book out to the harbourfront to read since we moved here (I can’t read out on our condo balcony because we’re just too high up for my comfort). I really should try that this spring, before it gets too hot here to be outside.
We have a small yard, so I had my lawn chair out in the back. It was heavenly. This is the perfect time of year.
I want to wear sandals! It’s cold and wet here today.
It’s going to be cold and wet here soon… I think by tomorrow. Sigh!
I thought our weather here switched enough, snow to great weather sounds crazy. This readathon it seems many people read fewer books, but as there’s so many of us in that, it doesn’t feel so bad.
This was absolutely insane. I can’t remember a spring like we’ve had. Capping it off with an almost night and day difference seems oddly appropriate 🙂
I’m interested to know your WWZ thoughts!
Mixed… I liked the concept, but I’m a little iffy on the execution. I have to think a bit before I do a mini-review this week.
I’ll be honest that I didn’t like World War Z, but I’d still be interested to hear your thoughts either way.
As for Fringe, my wife and I started watching it and then got away from it for a while. It’s a show to which we need to return.
Man, I love Fringe. I haven’t been this addicted to a show in awhile. I watched a lot of The West Wing, but not quite as obsessively.
Look forward to hearing if Frozen in Time is good. My husb said for me not to bother with WWZ. hmm. Still want to see Brad in the film though. cheers.
Frozen in Time is great! WWZ was in the middle, for me.
I live on a small string of islands, and being outside is where I spend most of my time. There is nothing like rubbing your feet in the sand as you read or write.
I wish we lived closer to a beach. There’s a big lake about 10 miles away, but it’ll take awhile for it to warm up.
We’ve gotten the porch ready for sitting outside, and it was finally warm enough to sit there yesterday, but hubby working around in the yard the whole time would have made me feel too guilty, so I sat indoors! 😉
Sad! The boyfriend is not much of a yard maintenance person, so I could sit outside guilty-free.
Yay for warm weather and flip flops!!!
Yay, indeed!
The weather here in TX has been great the last couple of days. It looks like you had a good Read-a-Thon, and I’ll definitely be going back to read your review of Diabetes with Owls.
I had a good time, even if I didn’t read a ton. It was a wonderfully relaxing day.
Hooray for spring time! We’ve officially had to turn the air conditioning on out in Phoenix which means that summer has arrived. I don’t quite know how I feel about this.
World War Z has been on my list for a while — can’t wait to see your review of it!
Oh, man, I can wait on turning on the AC. I hope we get into June before that becomes necessary.