Title: The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City, One Block at a Time
Author: David Sloan Wilson
Genre: Nonfiction
Year: 2011
Dewey Decimal Classification: 307.76 — Social Sciences, Communities
Acquired: From the publisher for review consideration.
One Sentence Summary: An evolutionary biologist tries to apply lessons from his field in his community, opening up a wide-ranging discussion of evolution, scientific research, and the scientists who do the work.
One Sentence Review: Reading The Neighborhood Project is like sitting down for a conversation with a favorite professor, full of personal stories, research questions, gossip about other scholars, and a range of topics that are more- or less-interesting depending on the reader’s predilections.
Why I Read It: When I start a new job or life stage, I always want to read books on the topic to see what I can learn. When I saw a mention of The Neighborhood Project being released at the same time I was starting a job as a community newspaper editor, I knew it was a must read book.
Review: When I was in college, there were two kinds of classes I really loved. The first type were the interdisciplinary classes I took as part of our honors program. Each class was taught by two professors from different backgrounds, and the idea was to look at how different scholars approached the same topic. I took a class on totalitarianism with a Spanish professor and political scientist, a class on Game Theory with behavioral economist and a mathematician, and a class on the cultural evolution with a Victorian scholar and a chemist. The classes were small, wide-ranging, and opened my eyes to the idea that different kinds of people thought about problems in different ways.
My other favorite classes were independent studies, where a few students organized and ran a class with a professor on a particular topic. My favorite was a class on women in politics where a classmate and I set a reading list about great texts studying the impact women can have on the political process. We met with a professor once a week in her office, where our discussions ranged from the reading for the week into campus politics, personal beliefs, and our experiences as women in different disciplines.
I bring up those two different kinds of classes because my experience reading David Sloan Wilson’s The Neighborhood Project reminded me of doing an interdisciplinary independent study with a favorite professor. The ostensible topic of the course is the use of evolution in community development, but each week (or, in the case of a book, each chapter) approaches the topic from a different angle. Over the course of the semester, you start to notice your professors little quirks and favorite phrases, connections between seemingly dissimilar topics, and are left curious to dig more deeply into the research on a particular topic in your own time.
The author of The Neighborhood Project, David Sloan Wilson, is an evolutionary biologist who has spent years studying evolution in the animal kingdom. About five years ago he decided the best way to test out Darwin’s theories about evolution would be to see if they can be used to improve human life in a practical way. Thus began the Binghampton Neighborhood Project (BNP) — an effort to collect data on Wilson’s hometown, then use evolutionary theory and the data to make his community better.
As someone who has always been interested in the ways lessons learned in academic research can be used in the real world, I felt like this was a book I had to read. While I had some disappointments with the execution of the book, on the whole I found it an engaging survey of the scientific method and the current state of evolutionary theory research in different academic disciplines.
For a book titled The Neighborhood Project, Wilson’s BNP is surprisingly absent. Discussions about the project loosely connect to many of the chapters, but the book reads more like a memoir about several years of research for an active and engaged evolutionary scholar where the BNP is just one of many interests that gets explored. For a book that serves as a survey course of evolutionary research and applications, that’s ok, but I was really hoping for an in-depth look at the BNP. In that sense, I found parts of the book disappointing.
However, the book did hit on my fascination with learning about how things work; in this case, Wilson does a remarkable job of demystifying both science and scientists. He also includes a number of short biographies of scientists in his field or that he has run across in his research, which he uses to show how anyone can become a scientist, and that the field is open to anyone willing to constantly question assumptions and work within the scientific method.
Overall, I think it was Wilson’s tone that made the book feel so much like a class with a favorite professor rather than a dry, academic text (even though plenty of the subjects touched on in and of themselves were a little dry to me). Wilson has some really delightfully elegant phrases to describe phenomena — “the pinball machine of life” and “the hammer of natural selection” come to mind — but has a tendency to overuse the phrases to the point that I found it a little annoying. On the plus side, Wilson is also not afraid to equally compliment and criticize other scholars for the good and bad he sees in their research. As a non-scientist, I felt like I was getting an inside look at the world of the scientific establishment.
If there’s a single take home message of the book, it’s that Wilson believes any topic can be approached from an evolutionary perspective. Evolution can apply to our genes, our psychology, and our communities, and it is our job to understand the processes so we can use them effectively to promote positive changes. As Wilson elegantly explains near the end of the book:
Genetic evolution is fast enough and cultural evolution is slow enough for the two to become entwined in a double helix of their own. Both our genes and our cultures have served us well in the past — we’re here, after all — but there is no guarantee that they will serve us well in the future. Evolution has no foresight, regardless of whether it is genetic or cultural. It’s up to us to become wise managers of evolutionary processes, which requires understanding the complex interactions among our genes, our cultures, and our lives.
Other Reviews:
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This one sounds really interesting! Mr. Nomadreader and I are enjoying being in a city indefinitely for the first time ever, and it’s evoking a certain amount of city and neighborhood pride I haven’t had as much before.
I do think living in a city for a long time helps grow civic pride and participation. I haven’t been in a city long enough to really have that just yet, but soon, I hope.
It’s great how this book lined up with your new job! I’m jealous of the classes you described as well, I think it’d be really interesting to see how different professors approached the same topic.
Yes, I was so excited to come across it right when I was getting ready to move. It seemed perfect. The honors classes were fantastic and really expanded how I understand academia.
It may sound self-serving, but I love the idea of sitting down with a professor for a nice, long chat, so this book sounds like a winner for me.
I love it too. I had a few professors that I developed relationships like that with, and I really enjoyed it.
What a fascinating approach to a neighborhood improvement project. I think I’d probably like this since it reads like a memoir.
The parts that are more memoir-like are quite engaging. There are some more scientific and “nonfiction-y” parts, but that’s another reason I liked it — lots of variety in a single book.
This sounds really good! Thanks for the review because I hadn’t heard of it before.
I think this one was a little below the radar — I haven’t seen much about it except the mention that sparked my interest… GoodReads, I think?
Evolution and personal stories. Why have I never heard of this book before? Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Must read.
Yes, read it! For the most part, I liked the balance the author struck between science and personal stories.
Read it for a class. While informative and interesting, I was not very impressed. The writing was too conversational and not all the stories easily tied into the book. Life histories of people were given for seemingly no reason (for example, the employees of the school where he did his first project). There is no closure at the end. It seems like he wrote this book and forgot to write the concluding chapter for a step-by-step process of how to actually use evolution to improve neighborhoods. Maybe in a couple years when he can make more progress and has some results to show he can add more chapters, but it feels this book was published before it was done.