Today I’m in Minnesota for the Twin Cities Book Festival. In order to not get too far behind with my book festival wrap-up posts, here’s the bookish news from the Wisconsin Book Festival, which I went to a few weeks ago.
Unlike years past, I actually got out and attended some events. I’m usually the kind of person that prefers to spend free time in sweat pants on my couch, so this was a big deal. I didn’t take many any pictures, so it’ll just be a wordy wrap-up.
Sandra Brannan, In the Belly of Jonah
When I got back from traveling on Thursday night, I headed over to a local indie, Booked for Murder, to see Sandra Brannan speak about her first book, Into the Belly of Jonah. I was the first person to get there, so got to have some fun geeking out time with Sandra, talking about books and blogging and explaining to the bookstore owner how we met at a blogging convention.
The reading was small — five of us total — which actually made it fun and informal. Sandra told some stories about how she got started writing, what her inspiration for this book (and the upcoming books in the series), and what she’s learned about the book publishing industry. She even shared a story about an almost-tragedy that happened during her editing process, but I’ll wait to share that until Sandra sends me a picture to go with it.
For now, here’s a picture of some of the people at the reading (I’m on the right, and Sandra is second in from the right).

Friday Night Festival of Fiction
The Festival of Fiction brought together four authors for an evening of humorous readings. While the final reader, Gary Shteyngart, was probably the big star of the night, I felt like all of the authors got a warm reception.
Danielle Evans read from her book Before Your Suffocate Your Own Fool Self. She read really, really fast, but I loved the observant humor she used in the short story she read. I got the sense she has an eye for telling details, which I love in an author. I’ll be looking for her book at the library soon.
The second author was Susanna Daniel, who read from her novel Stiltsville. The book is a love and friendship story that is set in an actual place. Stiltsville is a place off the coast of Miami where a group of houses built on stilts about 10 feet above the water. I never knew that existed! Given that I love novels with a sense of place, I’ll probably look for this one too.
Boyfriend’s favorite reader, and probably mine too, was Samantha Chang, author of All Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Lost. Her previous works are about Chinese American immigrants, but one she read from is a big departure. It takes place at a major writer’s workshop, and seems like a funny look at the writing life. Her reading wasn’t very showy, which I think actually let the book speak for itself.
Gary Shteyngart was the final reader of the night, and definitely had the crowd eating out of his hands during the reading from his newest novel, Super Sad True Love Story. His reading was more of a performance, if that makes sense, with lots of different voices and emphasis on his characters. It reminded me of David Sedaris, in the sense that listening to Sedaris read his work is almost better than reading it yourself. If I picked up SSTLS now, I’m not sure what I’d think.
In general, a really great evening of fiction that I’m so glad I attended.
Harriet Brown, Brave Girl Eating
My final event was on Saturday when I went to go see science journalist Harriet Brown read from her journalistic memoir Brave Girl Eating. The book is the story of Brown’s daughter Kitty’s battle with anorexia, and the family-based treatment they used to try and help her recover.
At the reading, Brown did a nice job of giving context of the story, then choosing passages to read from. She didn’t give away the entire story, but gave enough details so the audience could understand the passages.
The thing that made me decide to buy the book (my only festival purchase!) was the sense of humor that Brown had while talking and reading. It’s not that she was making light of her family’s situation, more that she had the ability to look back at it and see moments of (sometimes dark) humor in her daughter’s illness and recovery. I also love this sort of journalistic memoir, so I’m really looking forward to reading the book.
And that was my weekend at the book festival. I didn’t get to as many events as I would have liked to — Sunday turned into a laze around in pajamas day — but I’m happy with the events I did get to attend.
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Wow, so much fun! I’ve heard such great things about In the Belly of Jonah, so I’m shocked to see such a low turnout at Sandra’s event. That was really good for you, though.
Kathy: Yeah, I was a disappointed by that – I was hoping more people would be there. But the people who were there were excited, so that’s good.
Sounds like a lot of fun! It was great to meet you at the festival today, thanks for browsing with me.
Also, I feel like there are a lot of nonfiction/memoir books out right now about eating. Have you noticed this trend too? (I was thinking about this at Borders today)
Ash: I agree – there are a lot of eating/food books out right now. I got sort of tired of the farming sort of books earlier this year, but this book sounds pretty different. What other ones have you seen?
It sounds like a wonderful event! And Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self is one of the all-time great titles.
Stephanie: It was, the WI Book Festival is a really impressive undertaking, I’m always amazed. And yeah, I love that title.
Sandra Brannan is coming here this weekend – I’m going to have to get there early since she sounds like so much fun!
Lisa: Yes, do get there early and say hello to her – she’s one of the very nicest people.
Sandra is super nice-I met her at BEA and have her book sitting on my shelves. Sounds like a fun weekend.
Esme: Yeah, we had dinner with her – she was so nice then! I have the book on my shelves too (I bought a copy for my mom for Christmas!).
I wonder if Sandra is coming to Mass! I should go look on her website or something. GLAD you had fun at all these bookish events!
Care: That would be so fun if she did! I’m not sure where her calendar is, but good luck finding it.
Care–I don’t remember seeing her heading to Mass–but you totally should make one of your trips to this area and work in a trip to the bookstore!
Lisa: I’m not sure where “this area” is for you, but any trip from Care would be awesome 🙂