Well, I’m afraid that I have to head off to bed — I’m exhausted! Cheerleading today was really a lot of fun; however, I did not start on my midterm at all — partly from blog hopping and partly from taking the entire day to visit a friend in Rockford, IL and make pies.
Anyway, I made a good faith effort to visit and comment on every blog that was listed on the Mr. Linky at the main Read-a-Thon page. I couldn’t comment on blogs that didn’t allow anonymous comments, and there were some that had no Read-a-Thon posts near the top, so I didn’t know if they were still participating, so I didn’t comment. In any case, I feel good that I made it to as many as I did, and hope no one was offended at the seemingly cookie-cutter nature of my comments.
As a result of all my blog hopping I added a few more blogs to Google Reader, and I hope that I was able to cheer people up if they were feeling isolated or out of the loop. Tomorrow, I also plan on responding to all the comments people left on my blog during the Read-a-Thon.
One suggestion for next year — bloggers should ease up their security settings for the day. A lot of blogs don’t allow anonymous comments (Blogger, mostly), so that left me out from commenting. It also takes a lot of time to fill in the security stuff (identify the letters sort of thing). It might make commenting more efficient if people don’t have to do that all the time.
Anyway, goodnight blog friends, and good luck to those of you awesome enough to stay up tonight reading!

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Mmmm… pie! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to cheer me on. Good luck studying for your midterm.
many thanks ;0)
I added quite a few new blogs to my list as well! As if I needed more!
I have just been thinking and I have spent so much time in front of the computer I might as well have read as well as cheering!
Ah well. Next time!
Good luck with your mid-term! My mom is from Rockford, so I’ve been there lots of times.
TERRIFIC SUG abt easing up on the security to allow cheering comments. Last year, I just created a blogspot blog so I could easily leave comments.
Visiting everyone was OUTSTANDING of you. 🙂
bkclubcare: Creating a blogspot blog is a good idea since so many people use Blogger, I didn’t think of that! I was happy I got to all the blogs, and I got to leave some follow-up comments for people who came to visit my blog. Cheerleading was a lot of fun!
“It also takes a lot of time to fill in the security stuff (identify the letters sort of thing). It might make commenting more efficient if people don’t have to do that all the time.”
Good tip! I’ll keep this in mind for next time. You were an excellent cheerleader. Well done!
Nymeth: Thank you, I’m glad you thought I did a good job! I’ll try to remember my own tip for next year so I can pass it along if people ask 🙂
You can open a blogger/Google account without starting a blogspot page. That’s how I always leave comments on blogger pages. I have a google identity.
But I’m with you: I had all those letters for catching spam. My askimet catches spam on my site but I wonder if blogger people have something like that? I really do hate those spam catchers.
Rebecca: Starting a Blogger identity is a good idea, I’ll keep that in mind for the next Read-a-Thon. I have Askimet, which is great at catching spam. I don’t think Blogger has that. The letters are a pain; I think if people could just turn down security for the day of the Read-a-Thon it would make it easier, since not every Blogger page I go do asks you to put in the letters. Then they could just turn security back again afterwards.