Last year, my dear book blogging friend Leslie (Regular Rumination) asked me if I’d be interested in joining her in a personal challenge to read and write exclusively about nonfiction in November. After we talked a little more, we decided that it would be fun to open up the project to host a low-key celebration of nonfiction during the month of November.
I’m so excited to officially tell you that Nonfiction November will be back again this year, with two more co-hosts — Katie (Doing Dewey) and Rebecca (I’m Lost In Books) will each be hosting one week this month.
The format for Nonfiction November will be largely the same as it was last year. On the Monday of each week in November, one of us will put up a post with the weekly discussion topic. The post will have a place to share links with responses to the topic OR reviews of nonfiction books that are posted during the week. On the Friday of each week, the weekly host will do a roundup of submissions to peruse.
To get people excited (or to have a chance to prepare), here are the topics we’ve selected:
Week 1: November 3 to 7 (Hosted by Kim)
Your Year in Nonfiction: Take a look back at your year of nonfiction and reflect on the following questions – What was your favorite nonfiction read of the year? What nonfiction book have you recommended the most? What is one topic or type of nonfiction you haven’t read enough of yet? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?
Week 2: November 10 to 14 (Hosted by Leslie)
Be The Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert: Three ways to join in this week! You can either share 3 or more books on a single topic that you have read and can recommend (be the expert), you can put the call out for good nonfiction on a specific topic that you have been dying to read (ask the expert), or you can create your own list of books on a topic that you’d like to read (become the expert).
Week 3: November 17 to 21 (Hosted by Rebecca)
Diversity and Nonfiction: What does “diversity” in books mean to you? Does it refer to book’s location or subject matter? Or is it the author’s nationality or background? What countries/cultures do you tend to enjoy or read about most in your nonfiction? What countries/cultures would you like nonfiction recommendations for? What kind of books besides different countries/cultures do you think of as books of diversity?
Week 4: November 24 to 28 (Hosted by Katie)
New to My TBR: It’s been a week full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!
It should be pretty simple. A post to accept links will go up on Monday. Share your discussion topic or review of a nonfiction book any time during the week. Check out all of the great nonfiction posts throughout the week or in a roundup on Friday. If you want to focus your reading on nonfiction, that would be awesome too, but that is certainly not required. (If you’re a blogger, feel free to grab the button above for use in all of your Nonfiction November posts).
A Nonfiction Readalong
One of my goals for this year was to find a way to open up Nonfiction November to people who are not bloggers. After some discussion, we decided that we’d try doing a readalong in November — and we need your help picking the book!

Each of us chose one of our favorite books, or a book that we are excited to read, as a possible selection for our readalong. As a bonus, they’re all books that are also out in paperback. Please follow THIS LINK to a poll where you can vote for the book you’d like us all to read together. The book with the most votes by early next week will be our selection. We’re still working out details on how the readalong will work, but I for one am really excited about. So go vote by following the link above.
I hope you’ll join us for an awesome month of exploring and celebrating nonfiction!
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I’m so excited that non-fiction november is back! Lately i’ve only been reading fiction and i think it’s time to mix things up again.
YAY! I had such a good time last November–found lots of new NF to read and discovered some wonderful new bloggers whom I’m still following. Thanks in advance to all four hosts!
Those were two of my favorite parts of hosting last year — finding new books and finding new bloggers.
Wow, this sounds like so much fun! I just started reading non-fiction again this year, so this is perfect. I like that the month is about reflection, looking ahead, as well as current reading.
Thanks! I hope the topics will garner some good discussion.
Super excited that this is coming back (and with more great hosts!). I had such a great time last year and think I’m going to devote most of my month to nonfiction this time around.
I can’t remember if I only read nonfiction during the month last year, but I am going to try this year — mostly nonfiction by women, inspired by your great post on the topic.
I’m excited about this! The poll link isn’t working for me, though.
OK the poll link worked once I removed a “%20” or some such from the URL.
Whoops, my bad. I fixed the link in the post but here it is again:
What a coincidence – I was just mentioning in my most recent weekend update post that I have a lot of non-fiction that I really want to read and that I was thinking that “Non-fiction November” might need to be a thing. Now I find out that it IS a Thing!! I’m not sure I want to be this structured or planned out though so maybe I’ll just follow along and pop in randomly. I think I’ll do better if I keep my personal Non-Fiction November reading more informal and unstructured.
I will definitely be following along with the posts though.
Everyone loves an alliterative event title 🙂
And I totally get wanting something unstructured for a reading plan. I’m hoping it’ll be pretty loose for me too, even with co-hosting the event.
Yay, loved participating last year, already drafting my first post!
So excited about this!!
I’m trying to think if there are any topics on which I could be or become the expert! I will have a think and come back to this. I love making lists of what to read; surely I can be an awesome nonfiction recommender and participate in your wonderful nonfiction event!
I’m not sure if I am an expert on anything, but I do know that I tend to gather nonfiction books on specific topics when I get really interesting in them. I’m leaning towards a list focused on football books, since I’ve been thinking about that SO MUCH this year.
I love this idea! I will definitely pop in to follow this!
In Nonfiction November about reading *some* nonfiction in November, or solely reading nonfiction? I read one nonfiction book a week, and the questions look like they’d be fun!
It’s really anything you want it be — not specific requirements on reading any amount of nonfiction. I’ll be reading a lot of nonfiction, but other people do what works for them. We just want it to be fun.
So excited to see that this is back and, especially, to read everyone’s “Be the Expert” posts. I gleamed several recommendations from the last time but wasn’t able to participate (or comment) due to grad school.
Be the Expert was probably my favorite topic from last year. The lists were so great.
LOVE! I didn’t get to play along as much as I had hoped last year. I’m hoping to really participate this time around. I’m reading a nonfiction right this moment in fact 😉
I need to read Unbroken before the movie comes out at Christmas so I’m sure I’ll be reading it in November. I also have the Cleopatra book that I’d like to read too. Go for that one!
I’m so excited to participate in this this year! I’m already thinking about which books I’m going to read 🙂
I’m going to try to join in this time around! November’s schedule looks less busy than Sept. and October, so maybe more time for reading and blogging!
So. Excited. To see this.
Somehow I missed it last year, but I love November and I love non-fiction, so I can’t wait to combine the two!
This sounds like a wonderful idea.
I love non-fiction, but I’m also host AusReading Month in November, which makes me a little busy!
However a number of my book choices this year are non-fiction, so I may be able to join in, in a limited fashion, if that is alright?
Yes, absolutely! There’s no requirement about how much you have to participate — it’s really just about connecting with other readers and sharing our favorite nonfiction books. However you want to do that is great with all of us 🙂
So glad you are doing this. Thanks. Off to write my blog post on what non-fiction I have read this week.
Week one questions answered